Friday, September 7, 2018

Principal's Notes 9/7/18

September 7, 2018
September Messages
Peace Message: Peace and Respect
Brain Message: Everyone Can Learn!

BEEP Parents
It’s great to have your children here this week as it completes our school.  Some of the kids are nervous, some excited, some shy, some scared, but know that this is all a normal part of the transition process. 

Morning Drop-Off
In an effort to make our morning drop off run as smoothly as possible we are asking parents to please stay in the car during this time.  If your child needs assistance we have teachers on duty who can help. We want to make this process be as efficient and safe as possible.  Thank you!

Protect the Learning
Each School Day is Important:
As we enter a new school year, I would like to remind folks to make every effort to maximize instructional time for students and teachers. Simply put, all stakeholders should work to protect the the learning for days when school is in session. Everyone has a role to play:
  • Students can arrive at school on time each day and be prepared to put forth their best effort.
  • Parents can closely monitor student attendance and avoid scheduling vacations and appointments during the school day.
  • Teachers can strive to provide high-quality lesson plans and assessments to ensure that students are actively engaged every single day.
  • Principals and assistant principals can work proactively to eliminate interruptions and distractions during the school day.
  • Support staff can make sure that facilities are well-maintained and equipment is functioning properly.
  • Central office administrators can avoid pulling teachers from classrooms for workshops and meetings unless absolutely necessary.
Research shows that access to high-quality instruction is the best tool for improving student achievement; therefore, I encourage everyone to Protect the Learning.

News from the Counseling Office click HERE

News from Health Office click HERE

SUPPORT THE PTG:  Help the PTG continue to bring exciting programs/speakers to our schools like Eyes on Owls, Native American Story Tellers, T.I.G.E.R. Anti-Bullying Performance, Ed Gerety Youth Speaker, and Chris Herren Motivational Speaker. If you’d like to make a donation, simply click on the PayPal link at or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-8). Click HERE  for more information on the PTG and programs we fund with your support. Thank You!

LOOKING TO VOLUNTEER: Bedford PTG is excited to introduce a new, faster, paperless way to share your information for volunteering for Bedford Schools. Instead of sending home a paper volunteer form to fill out and return, we will now offer a Volunteer Google Form for each school. To access the form click HERE, or check school websites, or the PTG website under helpful links/forms.

LYNN LYONS “Interrupting the Worry Cycle: Skills We Can (and Should!) Teach Our Children” Presentation: the Bedford PTG is proud to co-sponsor Lynn Lyons, licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, on September 12th, 6:30pm at BHS Theater as she presents “Interrupting the Worry Cycle: Skills We Can (and Should!) Teach Our Children”. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! You won’t want to miss this insightful presentation!  Lynn Lyons Flyer

PTG VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Looking for some great opportunities to volunteer this year? The PTG has several district level and committee positions available…
Ski and Skate Committee members - Due to the success of our annual Ski and Skate Sale, we are looking for new members to be part of the planning committee.
Color Blast Co-Coordinator and Committee Members: Get in on the Colorful Fun and be part of planning this amazing community event!! Color Blast is looking for 2 volunteers to share the role of event coordinator (responsible for the overall organization of the committee and event) along with anyone that might be interested in being involved with the planning and execution of this event.
District Gift Wrap Coordinator-Work with PTG VP Fundraising and our current Gift Wrap supplier (Meadow Farms) to set up and organize the fundraiser. Coordinate with school level coordinators the distribution, collection and processing of order forms. 
If you are interested in any of these roles or would like more information please email

BEDFORD MEMORIAL VOLUNTEERS: Interested in learning more about the amazing volunteer opportunities at Bedford Memorial? Please join us for the Volunteer Welcome Coffee on Friday September 21 at 9:00 am in the Memorial School Library.  Feel free to contact Danielle Brimblecom at with any questions.  Small children are always welcome and we look forward to seeing you there!!

MEET THE PRINCIPALS EVENT SEPTEMBER 27TH: You are invited to join the PTG and the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Coffee with the Principals" event on Thursday, September 27th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road). This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. There will be a Q & A following the presentation. Light refreshments will be served and your young children are welcome to attend.

Bedford Education Foundation Annual Fall Fundraiser
Saturday, October 20, 2018, 7 PM @ Noah's Event Center in Bedford, featuring the RAL Jazz Band and Mr. Michael Fournier as our Master of Ceremonies! Tickets are limited and sold on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Find more information about the Bedford Education Foundation on our website, or follow us on Facebook.  If you have questions or would like to get involved, please email

Save the Date for a Growth Mindset workshop for parents
Wednesday September 26th from 6:30-8:30pm please join us for an informational workshop
Helping Your Child Cope with Stress: The Power of Growth Mindset
Please Click HERE to for more information and to RSVP 

If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to complete the Infosnap process. If you do not have the email with the link/snapcode that was sent to you this summer, please contact the school office. 

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