Friday, August 31, 2018

Principal's Notes 8/31/18

Principal’s Notes

September Messages
Peace Message: Peace and Respect
Brain Message: Everyone Can Learn!

Important Dates

  • September 3- No School in observance of Labor Day
  • September 5- Picture Day
  • September 6- Picture Day for BEEP students not here on the 5th
  • September 9-11 – Rosh Hashana
  • September 11 – Primary Election Day – NO SCHOOL
  • September 17-Open House
    • 5:30-6:15pm BEEP
    • 6:15-6:45 AM Kindergarten and K Plus
    • 6:30-7:10 Grades 1 and 2
    • 7:00-7:30 PM Kindergarten and K Plus
    • 7:20-7:50 Grades 3 and 4
  • September 18-19 – Yom Kippur
  • September 26- "Growth Mindset" workshop for parents 
  • October 8 – Columbus Day Observance – NO SCHOOL

We had a great beginning to our school year despite the warm temperatures.  It's great seeing kids return as they energize the entire building.  
Our teacher's preparation and hard work paid off for a successful start.

Principal/Parent Communication
As my primary form of communication you will receiving an email, Principal’s Notes, each Friday afternoon. The email will include Important Dates for upcoming events, informational news, and action items (highlighted in yellow). I appreciate you reviewing these weekly and taking care of any action items highlighted. 

I want you all to be aware that for the first few weeks of school we call our kindergarten and first grade students to the gym prior to the older kids in order to line everyone up and and develop routines. Because of this busses may be delayed 10-15 minutes, however, we feel it is worth the delay as it provides our younger students with a better sense of security and understanding during a somewhat hectic time of day. Thank you for your understanding and patience with this temporary procedure. 

Drop off and Pick up
We realize this can be a difficult time with traffic backing up. Please look for the adults directing traffic as we will do our best to move cars through as timely as possible. Our preschool students will be brought out to cars in front of the building by adults on duty. As for the rest of you picking up your children we ask that you park in available spots in our front parking lot or in the church parking lot across the street. You may enter through the cafeteria door where you will be able to sign your child out.

Thank you!

If you have not already done so, please take a few minutes to complete the Infosnap process. If you do not have the email with the link/snapcode that was sent to you this summer, please contact the school office. 

Save the Date for a Growth Mindset workshop for parents
Wednesday September 26th from 6:30-8:30pm please join us for an informational workshop
Helping Your Child Cope with Stress: The Power of Growth Mindset
Come hear about the growth mindset lessons Memorial kids are learning! Find out how to reinforce this exciting initiative at home, and help your child develop the perseverance and resilience necessary to achieve in school and thrive in life.
Presenters: Hannah C. Mariotti, MA, LMHC, Sarah Wagner, M.Ed, School Psychologist Educational Consultant, Beacon Coaching and Consulting, LLC

News from the Health Office
Click Here for important Health News from our nurse Anna Cook.

Automated Attendance Call 
Again this year families in the Bedford School District will receive a phone call confirming their child's absence via our "School Messenger" system. Once we have taken attendance, a message will be generated confirming your child's absence. The elementary calls will go out at approximately 9:30 AM, McKelvie and Lurgio will go out at 10:30 AM and the BHS at 11:00 AM. If this call comes to you in error, please contact the Main Office so that we can correct the attendance report.

Picture Day
Scheduled for September 5th and 6th.  For those of you ordering your pictures online you will be asked to enter an online shootkey. The online shootkey for Memorial is 7NLLBSNK. This will be listed on the order form you receive as well.

Biodegradable Tray Update from Food Service Director, Emily Murphy
For the 2018-2019 school year, the Bedford Food Service Department planned to purchase compostable lunch trays per the approved petition warrant article. In performing comprehensive research into companies that provide these trays, the Food Service Department, in collaboration with the NHDES, located a new and up and coming company, Grow Plastics, to provide the new lunch trays. After much development in creating a partnership with Grow Plastics and our current paper supplier Central Paper, it has been determined that the new compostable lunch trays will not be available at the start of the 2018-19 school year. However, Grow Plastics has informed the Food Service Department that the lunch trays will be available sometime this fall, and at the very latest January 2019. The Food Service Department continues to work diligently with Grow Plastics and Central Paper on our new and exciting partnership.

Classroom Support
We are sharing to let you know about classroom programs at Memorial School that will enrich your child’s learning experience throughout year. Teacher resources are continually reviewed and organized to allow for the most comprehensive program for students. During instructional portions of the day, a special educator may be working alongside and in conjunction with your child’s classroom teacher. The help can be in the classroom, and at times, outside the general classroom setting. This type of approach is referred to as a Team Instruction model.
Together, these teachers bring to the classroom a broad range of expertise in all subject areas. This approach allows us the flexibility to work with students in small groups or individually as needed. Typically, both teachers will work within the classroom with students, but may work outside the classroom when appropriate.

We anticipate an exciting year of educational challenge and growth for all!

BACK TO SCHOOL GREETINGS FROM THE PTG! We are looking forward to another great school year full of fantastic programs and events for our students, staff and families.

SUPPORT THE PTG: Help the PTG continue to bring exciting programs/speakers to our schools like Eyes on Owls, Native American Story Tellers, T.I.G.E.R. Anti-Bullying Performance, Ed Gerety Youth Speaker, and Chris Herren Motivational Speaker. If you’d like to make a donation, simply click on the PayPal link at or send in a check payable to Bedford PTG in the support envelopes that have been sent home (K-8). Click HERE for more information on the PTG and programs we fund with your support. Thank You!

LYNN LYONS “Interrupting the Worry Cycle: Skills We Can (and Should!) Teach Our Children” Presentation: the Bedford PTG is proud to co-sponsor Lynn Lyons, licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist, on September 12th, 6:30pm at BHS Theater as she presents “Interrupting the Worry Cycle: Skills We Can (and Should!) Teach Our Children”. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! You won’t want to miss this insightful presentation! Lynn Lyons Flyer

MEET THE PRINCIPALS EVENT SEPTEMBER 27THYou are invited to join the PTG and the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Coffee with the Principals" event on Thursday, September 27th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road). This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. There will be a Q & A following the presentation. Light refreshments will be served and your young children are welcome to attend.Interested in volunteering at Memorial?

PTG VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES: Looking for some great opportunities to volunteer this year? The PTG has several district level and committee positions available…
Ski and Skate Committee members - Due to the success of our annual Ski and Skate Sale, we are looking for new members to be part of the planning committee.
Color Blast Co-Coordinator and Committee Members: Get in on the Colorful Fun and be part of planning this amazing community event!! Color Blast is looking for 2 volunteers to share the role of event coordinator (responsible for the overall organization of the committee and event) along with anyone that might be interested in being involved with the planning and execution of this event.
District Gift Wrap Coordinator-Work with PTG VP Fundraising and our current Gift Wrap supplier (Meadow Farms) to set up and organize the fundraiser. Coordinate with school level coordinators the distribution, collection and processing of order forms.

If you are interested in any of these roles or would like more information please email volunteer program has been active for more than 40 years! We all help in different ways: some dedicate their time and talents assisting both during and after school, others volunteer with help from home. We encourage you to become involved in one (or more!) of our many different programs and opportunities. 

New for this year - Online Volunteer Form!
We’re excited to introduce a new, faster, paperless way to share your information for volunteering at Bedford schools. Instead of sending home a paper volunteer form to fill out and return as previous years, we will now offer a Volunteer Google Form for each school.
Click HERE to access the Memorial PTG Volunteer Form for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Link is also available on our school’s and the PTG website 
Simply fill out the Google form for Memorial and you will be informed of all the great opportunities throughout the year.  You can help at the events that interest you and fit into your schedule.  Schools must receive a completed Google Form in order for you to volunteer at the school.  If you need any assistance with the form please contact your Memorial School Volunteer Coordinator Danielle Brimblecom at  Weather you plan to help regularly or only occasionally, please fill out our Volunteer Form by September 7th.

Thank you for sharing your time and talents with our school!

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