Friday, January 29, 2016

Principals' Notes - January 29th

Dear Memorial Families,
We had such fun reading at the Principal’s Read last night. Thank you to all the children and their families who came … we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! We were able to share the video from our Artist in Residence, Drums Alive, with the School Board on Monday night … they enjoyed seeing our children perform! Thank you to the School Board for holding their meeting at Memorial.


Guidance Messages
Word of the Month: Friendship
During the month of February, the students will be introduced to the concepts of friendly and unfriendly behaviors.  They will learn about things they can do to help them make and keep friends (friendly behaviors), as well as things they can do that may cause them to have difficulty making and keeping friends (unfriendly behaviors).

Week of February 1:
February 2: Phrase of the Day: “The only way to have a friend is to be one.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Introduction to the concept of friendly and unfriendly behaviors.  
February 5: Phrase of the Day: “Friendship isn't a big thing.  It's a million little things.” (Author Unknown) Being caring and thoughtful is a friendly behavior.

Deliberative Session Feb. 2 at 7:00 p.m. BHS Theater
All voters in Bedford are urged to come to the Bedford School District Deliberative Session on Tuesday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bedford High School Theater. This is when the community either affirms or revises the School Board’s proposed budget for 2016-17 (The budget is presented in the School District Warrant.). The proposed budget is $68.3M, a 3.9% increase over this year. The increase is primarily because of personnel, health insurance benefits, and significant building maintenance.  Voting on the warrant is on Tuesday, March 8 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Bedford High School Gymnasium. If the proposed budget is voted down, the default budget would be $2.3M lower.  Additional information can be found here.

"Babysitting" for the Deliberative Session
The Bedford High School National Honors Society students will be available to watch children for parents who wish to attend the Deliberative Session on February 2.  Students will be available in the Bedford High School Library.  Thank you NHS!  

Reminder - Toys at School
Toys of financial or emotional value should stay at home.  Cards or toys should not be traded at school anytime and any toys that do come into school must stay in bags until recess or after school. Toys can be a distraction to the students, can get lost and can cause hurt feelings. During indoor recess teachers have games and activities that students can do, so that bringing in toys is not necessary.

Bingo Night - February 11th
Memorial will be hosting our second annual Bingo Night on Thursday, February 11th.  Last call: We are looking for donations of board games for that night. Children loved being able to win a board game.

Barnes & Noble Bookfair * SAVE THE DATE *
Beat the cold weather and join the PTG January 29th and January 30th at the Barnes & Noble at 1741 South Willow Street, Manchester for a warm and delightful family outing complete with something for everyone including a display of artwork by Bedford Students K-12, musical performances, and story time (readings by school staff) all while you shop for books, movies, toys or even while you grab a treat! Be sure to mention BEDFORD PTG at the time of any of your purchases to help earn money for our schools! Click here to download a flyer.  Can’t make it? Shop online at January 27th – February 3rd and enter Bookfair ID#11706355 at checkout! Check out the times and readers by clicking here.
Coordinator: Darlene Boyd

Health Alert
Please report any of these infections to Rachel Higgins, our School Nurse:
Strep Throat Infection                  
Signs and Symptoms:
 Rapid onset of throat pain
Throat pain that is worse when swallowing
 Appetite loss
 General ill feeling
 Ear pain when swallowing (sometimes)
 Tender, swollen glands in the neck
 Bright red tonsils that may have specks of pus
It is caused by streptococcal bacteria, which are spread from person to person via drops of saliva or nasal secretion. (Sneezing and coughing)
If you suspect strep throat infection, call your child’s physician and have a throat culture done. If culture is positive, they need 24 hours of antibiotic treatment and to be fever free before returning to school.

Scarlet Fever
Is a form of strep infection which presents as a skin rash. The rash is usually red with fine bumps and feels sand papery and is most noticeable on the neck, chest, groin, or on the inner surface of the knees, thighs or elbows. Often children will have a fever and sore throat prior to the rash, but not always.
If you suspect scarlet fever contact your child’s physician.  After 24 hours of antibiotic treatment and being fever free he/she may return to school.

Impetigo is a superficial infection of the skin, caused by streptococcus or staphylococcus bacteria. Impetigo is quite contagious, it usually involves the skin of the face, arms and legs. Impetigo is a red rash with many small blisters.  Some blisters contain pus, and yellow crusts form when they break. The blisters don’t hurt but may itch. If you suspect your child may have this rash contact your child’s health care provider. After 24 hours of antibiotic treatment your child may return to school.

Educational Farm at Joppa Hill
The First Annual Snow Ball will take place at LaBelle Winery on Feb 13, 2016, 7-10PM to benefit Bedford's Educational Farm at Joppa Hill. Featuring a live band, hearty hors d'oeuvres, cash bar, and silent auction, this event is your chance to spend a romantic evening out and also support the Farm. Tickets are $75 per person and can be purchased by visiting or calling Drew Cline at 661-8383.


Students will go outside for recess (both morning and afternoon) if the temperature is 20 degrees or above (including wind chill).  Please make sure to send your child(ren) in with the appropriate outerwear – coat, boots, snow pants, gloves/mittens.  Also, in order to play in the snow, children are required to wear boots and snow pants.  Otherwise, they’ll need to remain on the black top.

Bedford Food Pantry
COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENT:  The Food Pantry at Bedford Presbyterian Church is a newly established resource for those in our community who are facing hunger or food insecurity.  The Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 organization that is a well-coordinated effort between 5 area churches, local organizations including the Bedford Lion's Club, the Boy Scouts, and individuals and families in Bedford. The Food Pantry is located at  Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, and is available to all Bedford residents.The Food Pantry will open on the 1st and 3rd Saturday, and the following Monday, of each month. Hours are Saturdays, 9:00 - 11:00 am, Mondays, 5:30 - 7:00 pm. The dates for February are February 6th, 8th, 20th and 22nd. Please click here for the flyer.
If you, or someone you know in Bedford is struggling with food insecurity please call Bedford Presbyterian Church, 472-5841.


February 2 – Deliberative Session – 7:00 PM Bedford High School Theater
February 3 - Homework Club
February 4 - Chorus Practice
February 5 - Mad Scientist (Grade 1)
February 8 – School Board Meeting – 7:00 PM – SAU
February 9 – NO SCHOOL – Presidential Primary Day
February 11 - Bingo Night (Memorial Cafe - 4:30 - 6:00)
February 22-26 – Winter Vacation


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