Friday, December 13, 2019

Principal's Notes 12/13/19

Message of the Month
Flexible Thinking- I Can, I Will

Important Dates
  • December 17- Spirit Day; Rainbow Colors or Favorite Color of the Day
  • December 23 - January 1 – Holiday Recess
  • January 9 - Memorial's Winter Concert at McKelvie School
  • January 20- No School; Martin Luther King Day
  • January 21- Spirit Day; PJ or Comfy Clothes Day

Hour of Code
This week, many of our students were able to experience Hour of Code. Hour of Code is an hour long activity that is designed to expose students to computer coding. Students are taught about some coding concepts and then they get to practice on tutorials provided by and participating partners. Hour of Code is celebrated internationally during Computer Science Week but we extend our Hour of Code activities so all students can experience coding. If you'd like to try some of these tutorials, please visit

A message from the Bedford Education Foundation -
Have a child that could use a parking spot at Bedford High School? The Bedford Education Foundation is raffling off your chance to win a front row parking spot to use from January 1, 2020 through June 2021! Yep! That's a year and a half! Raffle tickets are $25 each through Venmo. (Each time you make a $25 Venmo payment to The BEF, your name is added to our drawing.) Purchase now through Sunday, December 22nd at 8 pm. Venmo @Bedford-EducationFoundation. We will contact you through the VENMO app if you are the winner! Thanks for supporting excellence in our public schools, and please check out our website to learn more about our work in the Bedford School District!

Adopt-A-Family Program
Thank you for your generosity for our Adopt-A-Family community outreach program
We are excited to let you know that the wish lists for three of our families have been completed. However, there are many families that still need our support. Please click on this link to see how you can still contribute to make the holidays extra special for our families in need.

Please remember to Wrap and tag your gifts and drop them off in the Memorial School main office before Thursday, December 19th. Gift tags should indicate the item you signed up for and family number you chose. (For example: Boy age 8, shirt, Family #2)
Please feel free to contact Anna Cook (School Nurse) 627-1776 ext 23204 for more information.  

Stuff the Turkey Food Drive
Thank you all who have contributed to our Stuff the Turkey Food Drive.  We have seen many food items come in that will be donated on Monday to the Bedford Food Pantry.

MINDFULNESS AND STRESS MANAGEMENT SEMINAR: Tuesday, January 14th, 7:00 p.m. at McKelvie, for parents of children in Grades K-6. Come learn about the benefits of Mindfulness including increased focus for learning and stress management for life. Terri Hamilton, a Mindfulness & Stress Management Coach and former teacher and Guidance Counselor, will be sharing her expertise.
Click HERE for more information.

PRINCIPAL WINTER READING NIGHT: Dress in your PJ’s, bring a blanket and come listen to the Bedford principals read you a story! This fun-filled family event will be held on Thursday, January 23rd at McKelvie in the Cafeteria. Choose between two session times, 4:30 p.m. or 6:30 p.m. Details on how to register for the event coming soon.

PTG INFORMATIONAL VIDEO: Curious to know more about the PTG? Ever wonder where the "G" in PTG came from? Where do your donations go? How do fundraisers work? How to get involved? And this short PTG INFORMATIONAL VIDEO for the answers to all of your PTG questions.

HANNAFORD HELPS REUSABLE BAG PROGRAM: During the month of December, the PTG will receive a $1.00 donation for every Hannaford Community Bag sold at the Jenkins Road location.

AMAZON SMILE!  Did you know that every time you buy on Amazon, you can support the Bedford PTG? Simply visit AmazonSmile and select “Bedford NH PTG” as the organization that you’d like to support. Now, every time you shop at, Amazon will donate a percentage to the Bedford PTG. Thank you for your support!


Crotched Mountain Ski Program
The Crotched Mountain ski program is back for 2019-20! For just $149, students can ski on five Fridays starting Friday, January 3, and this year they do not have to head to the ticket windows to pick up passes - they can just show and go (with a valid pass). On February 18, they will be eligible to receive a pass for the remainder of the season at 7 mountains including Mount Snow, Attitash, and Wildcat!

Lessons and equipment rentals are optional and transportation is not provided by the program. The $149 rate is valid until December 18.

For questions reach out to Loren Foxx ( or visit for more 

Pats Peak Learn to Ski and Ride Program
Sign-up for this year's Learn to Ski or Ride (LTSR) program at Pats Peak !   This is a five-week Learn to Ski or Snowboard series for students in grades 1-8. The program runs Friday, January 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31. There are 3:30 and 4:30 lessons available, or if you have an experienced student, they can opt to just do the lift ticket.  Rentals are available for an additional cost. You must provide your own transportation, as this is not a school-sponsored activity. An adult must be present during the lessons.


Login info:
3:30 PM lessons:bedford330   
4:30 PM lessons:bedford430 

Please contact Kris Balistreri at or Kim Peicker at with any questions. Visit the Bedford NH Pats Peak Ski and Ride 2020 Facebook page for more information.

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