Friday, May 11, 2018

Principal's Notes 5/11/18

Principal’s Notes

May Messages
Peace Message: Patience
Brain Message: A Goal Without a Plan is Just a Wish

Grandparents Day
Thanks to all who participated, volunteered, and attended our Grandparents Day. We had over 400 visitors Thursday. Our students were very excited and proud to share.

Tick Management ( A message from our Superintendent)
Now that spring has really arrived, our students are spending more time outside - both at home and at school. Mostly that is a great thing. At the same time, we need to be thinking about safety.

In particular, I am writing to you about tick management. Here are a few items I want to share with the community on the subject. 

The most effective measure for limiting ticks on our property is keeping grass cut short and removing leaf litter since that is where they prefer to live. 

We are also providing selective tick treatments on district properties based on recommendations from our pest services contractor. This is the same approach the town of Bedford is using for sports fields.

Families can find additional recommendations for tick bite prevention and treatment in this excellent New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Resources notice.

Of course no approach will eliminate every potential risk. That is why we ask families to help. Please remind your children to avoid tick-infested areas such as overgrown grass, brush, and leaf litter, to use an insect repellent when spending time outdoors, and to do daily tick checks after being outdoors.

As always, thank you for trusting us with the care of your children.


Chip McGee, Superintendent of Schools

Spring has finally arrived! 
Are you a runner, a walker, a stroller ...? One of our 1st graders in an ambassador for Easter Seals NH and has a team looking for participants, Team Elliott. 

Join us at the 19th Annual Easter Seals NH Eversource Run/Walk 5K on Thursday, June 7, 2018 in the evening! It's a fun night with family and friends in downtown Manchester. 

Use the link above to register. Follow the simple directions and on the information page where you put in all your personal information you'll see a big gray box, that's where you will choose Team Elliot in the join a team drop down!

Special Education Parent Involvement Survey 2018
Do you have a student with an IEP? Please complete the New Hampshire Department of Education’s annual Parent Involvement survey! Paper copies are in the mail to you, or you can complete the survey at by June 15, 2018. Share your feedback! Your responses help us continue to improve. Thank you for your time and participation!

Memorial Community Council
We will have our next Community Council Meeting on Friday, May 18th at 8:00am. We will look at the year in review and begin planning for our next school year.

Bedford Police Bike Rodeo
The Bedford Police Department will be hosting their annual Bike Rodeo on Sunday May 27th, 2018 from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm. It will be located in the upper parking lot of the Bedford High School, 47 Nashua Road. This event is free and is open to all ages and abilities. Kids will be given the opportunity to have their helmets checked and ride through obstacle courses. Immediately after the Bike Rodeo those interested may ride their bikes during the Memorial Day parade with members of the Bedford Police Department bicycle unit starting at 1:00 pm. The parade route will start at the Bedford High School and end at McKelvie Intermediate School. Please join the members of the Bedford Police Department for this family fun event.

Food Drive
Memorial School is working with the Bedford Food Pantry to help collect food items that are most needed by families. Every other month we will be collecting 1 food item. For the month of May, that item is Saltines. If you are able, please bring in a box of Saltines until Friday, June 1st. We will have a box for donations in our front hallway. Thank you for supporting this worthy cause, which supports Bedford families.

Ecosmith - Shoes, Bags & Belt Drive 
Bedford DI is having a special drive through Ecosmith Recyclers. From now until May 25th, you can donate all your old shoes, bags and belts (any condition) in the marked boxes in our school lobby. These items must be placed in a special blue bag. This is a great way to get your spring-cleaning under way, while helping raise funds for the teams heading to Global Finals in Knoxville, TN. Reminder, clothing, fabrics, stuffed animals etc. can always be donated in the bin in the parking lot. We appreciate your support. For more info, contact

Bedford PTG
COLOR BLAST REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!!! Come out for a colorful day of fun in support of the Bedford PTG and the Bedford School District! Our 2018 Color Blast is scheduled for Sunday,June 3rd at 9:30AM. Click here to register and visit our Color Blast Fun Run website for event details including sponsorship and volunteering opportunities.

DISTRICT YEAR IN REVIEW COMMUNITY MEETINGS - Join the Bedford PTG for two upcoming community meetings, first with Principals from all six of our schools on the Tuesday, 5/15 and then with Superintendent McGee on Wednesday, 5/30. Both meetings will be held at BCTV starting at 9:30AM. We are looking to the community for topic ideas you’d like to hear discussed. Please email by 5/9 with your questions/comments.

FISHER CATS DISCOUNTED TICKETS - Join the PTG for a fun family afternoon with the Fisher Cats on May 20th. Arrive early for the High Five Tunnel and stay late to run the bases. 

Click HERE for more information and to order DISCOUNTED tickets. Return order form with check payable to NH Fisher Cats to school by May 11th. Tickets will be available at the Will Call window on 5/20.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR STAND BY ME - Lurgio Middle School is hosting the 29th year of Stand By Me on Friday, May 18th @ SNHU. This event, for all seventh grade students and their parents/guardians, is in need of volunteers to help the day run smoothly. Since 7th grade families are participating in the event we are looking for volunteers from other grades to help. Various shifts and volunteer opportunities available, please click HERE for more information and to sign up to volunteer.

SCHOOL SUPPLY KIT PROGRAM UPDATE - Due to unforeseen circumstances with our supplier, PTG will be unable to offer pre-purchased school supply kits to families for 2018/19 school year. Teachers will still provide supply lists that families can utilize to shop on their own for supplies before the start of the school year. Please note that we will be working on finding an alternative and we hope to re-introduce this program next spring for 2019/20 school year supplies. Thank you for your understanding as we continue to work to find the best supplier to meet Bedford School District’s needs.

2018/19 School Calendar
The school calendar for next year can be found HERE.

Important Dates 
  • May 15- Spirit Day- Beach Day Theme
  • May 18- Community Council Meeting
  • May 24- Wear your Patriotic colors as voted during the KidVote 
  • May 24- All School, Walking, Memorial Day Field Trip
  • May 25- District Workshop Day no school for students
  • May 28- No school for observance of Memorial Day 
  • June 3- PTG Color Blast Fun Run
  • June 5- Memorial School Field Day
  • June 12- 4th Grade Play
  • June 19- Kindergarten Recognition Day 9:00am in the cafeteria for both the AM and PM classes.
  • June 20- Tentative last day of school

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