Friday, March 9, 2018

Principal's Notes 3/9/18

Principal’s Notes
March  Messages
Peace Message: Optimism
Brain Message: Mistakes are opportunities for learning
March is Music in our Schools Month

Improving our Attendance Practice
The district has tightened up our attendance practices this year. This is because many absences can make it challenging for a student to be successful in school. There has been an unintended (but very real) consequence to this change. Some families have shared with us that our approach has felt insensitive. I want to make it clear that there are times when students need to be out of school -- it could be for medical reasons, a family loss, or (especially this year) the flu. At the same time, we still need to be proactive with families about the impact of absences. So, if a student is absent for 10 days in one year, the school will continue to contact the parent/guardian to make sure we understand the challenges the family is facing. If a student reaches 15 days absent, the school will arrange a meeting to develop a plan (if one is not already in place) to help the student and family manage those underlying challenges. While our new practice will remain in place, we will work hard to communicate more clearly AND sensitively. - Sincerely, Chip McGee

Spring Fling 2018 Volunteers
Please click on this link if you would like to be involved with this year’s Spring Fling at Memorial and connect with other families from school. 
Date: Friday, March 23rd from 5:00-8:00pm. Click on Spring Fling 2018 for other important information.

Discussing Substance Abuse in our Community
These are two truly excellent community discussions on substance abuse. They were hosted by BeBold at their regular speaker series. If you could not attend, you might be interested in watching the videos. All of these discussions (and a lot more) is available on the BCTV website.

Special Olympics Young Athletes Program (YAP)
The Special Olympics Young Athletes program is an eight-week activity for kids ages 2-7 with and without disabilities designed to teach a wide variety of gross motor skills through games, songs, and play. Please click here for more information. The spring session begins on March 23rd at Memorial Elementary School.

News from the Counseling Office
Recent studies have shown that teaching optimism to children can enable them to perform better in school, have an overall more positive view toward adversity, greater resilience, and better coping skills. In addition, they are less often bullied, and are 50% less likely to suffer from teenage depression. Research has also found optimism to have a positive effect on overall health, including an increased life span, and a greater resistance to the common cold. ((Trinity College School of Education, Dublin, Ireland; Mayo Clinic; American Academy of Pediatrics, 2011.) We will define optimism as “looking for things to be happy about, even when things might not be going so well”. Throughout the month, students will hear affirmations to repeat to themselves, to help foster increased optimism. To further instill a growth mindset, students will learn that mistakes are natural results of trying new things and working hard. They will understand that learning from mistakes leads us to success and help our brains to grow. Students will hear stories and quotes from famous people about the mistakes they have made, and how those mistakes have led them to success. They will learn that success cannot be achieved without the courage to make mistakes and learn from them. To view cartoons about growth mindset and making mistakes, visit:
For tips on teaching your child optimism, visit: 

Important Reminder From the Health Office
How can Problematic Interactive Media Use (PIMU) affect children?

Ongoing research shows that when media are overused or used compulsively, they can interfere with a child’s daily life and lead to poor school performance, family conflicts, emotional and psychological concerns and relationship problems. While these problems have been called a variety of different names such as, “Internet Addiction”, “Internet Gaming Disorder” and “Media Addiction”, these terms all refer to Problematic Interactive Media Use (PIMU).

Problematic Interactive Media Use often appears in one of the following four ways:
Video gaming–including excessive gaming on a computer, console, or mobile device, where the child or teen plays for hours on end, often only taking breaks when forced.

Social media–including using social media as a primary way to connect with others instead of through face-to-face communication.

Information-seeking–including spending hours of time online surfing websites and binge-watching videos in place of other activities.

While one of the most common symptoms of PIMU is a fixation with screen media, other symptoms exist. If your child changes in any of the following areas, be sure to talk to your child, and your child’s doctor:

Poorer personal hygiene
Decrease in school performance
Social withdrawal

Children and teens suffering from PIMU may also suffer from other conditions, such as ADHD, social anxiety, depression, and substance use. PIMU can also contribute to health problems, such as weight gain, eating disorders, and problems sleeping.

Screen media cannot be avoided easily, as children and teens will need access to the Internet for school, socializing, and entertainment. Review how long, how often, and how many screens are used in order to better understand how media are used by all members of the family—including yourself.
Anna Cook, School Nurse

School District Vote on March 13 Please remember to vote on Tuesday, March 13. Polls are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm at Bedford High School in the gymnasium. Voters will select two people for open Board seats. Voters will decide whether to proceed with an energy efficiency feasibility study. Voters will decide whether to support the district operating budget for 2018-19. A citizen's petition article asks voters to decide whether to fund a switch from Styrofoam lunch trays to compost-able lunch trays. More information can be found HERE

KidVote 2018 (Sponsored by Bedford PTG)
Bedford School District students will have an opportunity to cast a vote during our School/Town Voting Day on Tuesday, March 13th. At Memorial, students will vote on a Spirit Day. The choices are:

  1. School Spirit Day (Where your school colors or any Memorial Spirit Wear)
  2. College Day (Kids and staff where a college shirt to promote secondary education)
  3. Patriotic Day (Dress in your red/white/and blue)
Bedford PTG
Yankee Candle – A big thank you to everyone for participating in another successful fundraiser benefiting our Bedford Schools!

COLOR BLAST 2018 COMMUNITY EVENT…Save the date Sunday June 3rd! Get Ready for the Most Colorful, Fun-Filled Day of Your Life. 
COLOR BLAST REGISTRATION NOW OPEN!!!  Click the link below to register:

Wednesday, March 28th from 7-8:15pm at BHS Auditorium

“Understanding How to Parent So that Children Can Succeed:
Addressing Childhood Anxiety and its Potential Pathway towards Substance Abuse”

Special guest speaker Jessica Lahey veteran teacher, journalist, and author of The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed.
Jessica Lahey will provide insight on how to raise kids who are happy and healthy and less likely to turn to destructive coping strategies, including ways to prevent childhood addiction. Lahey will also share research on the most effective ways to parent and support the psycho-social and emotional needs of our children. Additionally, she will outline risk factors, explain which positive interventions can overcome those risk factors, and offer parents and teachers actionable, useful tools for raising happy, resilient children who will be less likely to turn to unhealthy behaviors when faced with the increasingly toxic stress and anxiety they face at home, in school and in our society. This event is open to all parents/guardians.
The 45-minute presentation will be followed by a 30-minute question and answer session.

Jump Rope For Heart

Each year Memorial Elementary School teams up with the American Heart Association to jump into the fight against America's leading causes of death – heart disease and stroke! Students take part in a school-based fitness/education program called Jump Rope for Heart which teaches the value of cardiovascular fitness, promotes heart healthy habits, and seeks to raise funds for critical research and educational initiatives.

If you and your child would like to take part in the American Heart Association’s fundraising efforts, please refer to the attached form. Friends and family are welcome to support students by making contributions, however we ask that children do not go door-to-door or ask strangers for donations. This year all donations are to be made using the online portal or by check. Please NO CASH DONATIONS.

Visit and find Memorial School if you wish to raise funds online.

Checks should be made payable to the American Heart Association.

As students help to raise money they may be eligible for ‘Thank-You Gifts.’ The ‘Thank-You Gift’ structure for contributions is outlined on the back of the donation form.

The Jump Rope for Heart Donation Deadline is March 14th.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Taylor Scull, 603-627-1776 ext: 23272 or

Important Dates

  • March 13- District Workshop Day no school for students; Please vote!
  • March 16- Last day to turn in forms for the Fisher Cats Reading Challenge
  • March 17- Destination Imagination Tournament at Goffstown High School
  • March 20-Spirit Day- Theme is Disney, show off your love of Disney
  • March 23- Memorial Spring Fling 5-8pm
  • March 30- End of Quarter 3
  • April 2-6 Memorial’s Scholastic Book Fair
  • April 4- BINGO Night from 4:30-6:00pm in the school cafeteria
  • April 10- 6:00pm Parent Meeting with our Superintendent to discuss school safety
  • April 20- Spirit Day- Theme is Crazy Socks Day!
  • April 23-27 Spring Vacation
  • May 4- Memorial’s Small/Tall Dance
  • May 10- Grandparents Day
  • May 10- Memorial’s Spring Concert
  • May 15- Spirit Day- Beach Day Theme
  • May 25- District Workshop Day no school for students
  • May 28- No school for observance of Memorial Day 
  • June 3- PTG Color Blast Fun Run
  • June 12- 4th Grade Play
  • June 22- Tentative last day of school

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