Friday, September 23, 2016

Principal's Notes - September 23rd

Dear Memorial Families,
We had our first Dance Party with the Principal this week. All students who read and recorded their reading over the summer came down to the cafeteria and danced with Janice Souza and me. I will share that the students are much better dancers than I am. They did say that they had a good time! It looks like we may have our first fall weekend that I hope you and your family enjoy.


Guidance Message
Week of September 19:
September 21:  It is important to be kind and respectful to all people, even if their appearances, talents, ideas, cultures, and ways of living are different than ours. All people are a mixture of things they are good at, and things that can be improved.  Peacemaker Challenge: Respect all people, even if they are different than you.  

September 23: It’s important to respect ourselves too.  We shouldn’t listen to the “Green Monster” in our head. The Green Monster is the part of our brain that thinks negative things about ourselves.  If we listen to that voice, it can become louder.  Instead, we need to say nice things to ourselves, especially when we make a mistake.  Peacemaker Challenge: IGNORE what the Green Monster in your head says.  Instead, think only good things about yourself.  Say those good things EVERY DAY.

Community Council
I meet each month with a group of parents and a Memorial teacher to talk about issues and projects at Memorial School. One project this year will be to decide on signage for the front of the school. We will also be discussing if we want to have a yearbook. We are seeking two parents to join our group. We will meet the fourth Tuesday of each month at 8AM. If you have an interest in joining us, please email me at

Dismissal and Parking
We are maintaining our current practice of going to the church once the Memorial parking spaces are full.We are continuing to discuss how to handle parent-pick-up at the end of the school day.  We are particularly concerned with inclement weather ... stay tuned!

Destination Imagination - Parent Info Night
Parent Info Night for Destination Imagination in all Schools will be held on Tuesday, September 27th at the McKelvie Intermediate Cafeteria.   To learn more about the program and how to provide your child with this enrichment opportunity, please come and meet our District Coordinator, Marie Russell or email Marie at For more information and to find out what Destination Imagination is all about, click on the link. 

Bedford Education Foundation
The Bedford Education Foundation Fall Fundraiser will be held on Friday, November 4, 2016 at the Manchester Country Club at 7:00pm.   
Tickets available at
$50 for community members and $25 for faculty and staff in Bedford
Don’t miss this fantastic evening out for a great cause

For more information or for sponsorship opportunities please email


Meadow Farms Gift Wrap Fundraiser
Just a reminder that the Meadow Farms Gift Wrap Fundraiser orders are due October 3rd.
Don't’ forget to place your orders for gifts, wrap, goodies and more!
Friends and family can order directly online at

Community Event Hosted by the PTG. You are invited to have “Coffee with the Principals” on Thursday, September 29th at BCTV, 9:30 - 10:30. Come meet our Principals and hear what’s in store for the school year. Presentation will be followed by a Q &A. Your younger children are welcome to attend. Coffee & light refreshments will be served.

Hannaford Helps Initiative
Starting September 1st, at the Hannaford stores located at 4 Jenkins Road, Bedford NH and 7 Kilton Road, Bedford NH, introduced the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag program, which will be focused on supporting the Bedford Parent Teacher Group!
The blue bags with the good karma message can be found on the reusable bag rack and at various registers.

Smile Amazon
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Bedford PTG is one of the organizations. Please click this link to learn more about AmazonSmile


Marker Recycling Program

Memorial School is happy to announce that we have joined the Crayola ColorCycle program! Through this program, used markers (ANY plastic marker - Crayola, dry erase, highlighters, etc) are collected and shipped to Crayola to be re-purposed into many different items. And it's free! Crayola even pays for the shipping!
Our Crayola dropbox is located just outside the main office - please feel free to drop off any and all dried out markers. Questions? See Mrs. Schmitt for more information.

Ecosmith Recycle Bins for Destination Imagination
Did you know that every school in the district has an Ecosmith Recycle Bin?  This is a great way to donate/recycle old clothes, while helping raise funds for our teams who advance to Global Finals each year.  You can put any kind of fabrics in these bins, towels and stuffed animals too.  Ripped shirts and pants with holes are fine, as well as well worn shoes.  Bedford DI greatly appreciates your continued participation in this program.

Updated School Phone Extensions
The district has updated its phone system.  We now have 5 digits extensions.  You will need to add a 2 in front of our previous 4 digit extensions.  For example, our nurse’s former extension was 5201, and it is now 25201.

Text Message Alerts

Parents - If your cell phone number is in the District's PowerSchool Information System and you wish to receive alerts via text, you can text YES to 68453.


September 29 – PTG Coffee with the Principal’s (BCTV 9:30 AM)
October 2-4 – Rosh Hashanah
October 7 - Picture Retakes
Fire Safety Trailer (Grades 1 & 2)
October 10 – Columbus Day Observance – NO SCHOOL
October 11-12 – Yom Kippur
October 28 – End of Quarter 1


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