Principal’s Notes
It was great seeing so many of you at Open House. The turnout was terrific, the kids were excited, and the building was buzzing with energy. I hope it was an informative and worthwhile evening for all of you.
September Messages
Peace Message: Peace & Respect
Brain Message: Everyone Can Learn!
Destination Imagination - Parent Info Night
Destination Imagination is a fun academic program that teaches creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, critical thinking, and management skills through project-based Challenges. These are key skills that all businesses (and colleges) are looking for – the ability to identify challenges and solve them, while leveraging the talents on your team.
Designed to complement K-12 education, we offer seven new academic Challenges in the fields of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), fine arts, service learning, and early learning. In solving a challenge, students learn the creative process from imagination to innovation and the skills needed to thrive in school, their careers and beyond.
Teams can be made up of 2-7 members and must have an adult Team Manager i.e. - a parent or two. We need volunteers and we will train you!
The 2017-18 Parent Info Night will be this coming Monday, September 18th in the Peter Woodbury School Library at 7pm. For more information and to find out what Destination Imagination is all about, click on the link. Or visit Bedford DI on Facebook or contact our district coordinator, Marie Russell at
Bedford Old Home Day
The whole community of Bedford will be celebrating Old Home Day on Saturday September 23 from 10 - 3 at Riley Field. Please join us! Click here for details.
Morning Drop-Off
In an effort to make our morning drop off run as smoothly as possible we are asking parents to please stay in the car during this time. If your child needs assistance we have teachers on duty who can help. We want to make this process be as efficient and safe as possible. Thank you!
Bus Plan
Riding the bus to and from school is a great opportunity for all of our students. We encourage parents to have a conversation with your child regarding the rules of the bus. Further, it is important to create a plan, as a family, for what your child should do if there is no adult waiting for them to get off the bus. Especially with our younger students, the bus drivers will not let them off the bus if no one is waiting. In these cases your child may be returned to the school. Having a backup plan in place will allow for a smooth and seamless bus ride for all. Thank you for your cooperation with this.
Hurricane Relief
As mentioned earlier, at Memorial School, we strive to help students become “peacemakers” by developing empathy, care, and concern for others. With the recent crisis in Texas and Florida resulting from the Hurricanes, we would like to model community outreach and show support for families with young children affected in these areas, by collecting donations. We have identified a charity called the Texas Diaper Bank. This organization creates family kits to help support families in need. Our “Dollars and Cents” drive is continuing throughout the month of September. If you are able, please send in cash or coins to donate so that we can help support families who have been affected. Please send donations in a labeled baggie or envelope during the month of September. Thank you for your help and support!
Classroom Support
We are sharing to let you know about classroom programs at Memorial School that will enrich your child’s learning experience this school year. Teacher resources are continually reviewed and organized to allow for the most comprehensive program for students. During instructional portions of the day, a special educator may be working alongside and in conjunction with your child’s classroom teacher. The help can be in the classroom, and at times, outside the general classroom setting. This type of approach is referred to as a Team Instruction model.
Together, these teachers bring to the classroom a broad range of expertise in all subject areas. This approach allows us the flexibility to work with students in small groups or individually as needed. Typically, both teachers will work within the classroom with students, but may work outside the classroom when appropriate.
We anticipate an exciting year of educational challenge and growth for all!
September 2017 Safety Educator newsletter
This monthly newsletter is in its 5th year of distribution and has proven to be successful in bringing fire and life safety into the homes of PreK-Gr8 families throughout the State. The information provided is intended to bring awareness, and create conversations, on fire and life safety in a gentle and effective manner.
As Fire Marshal Degnan says,” Lives are saved every day because of education and prevention.” Should there be any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your local fire department or the NH State Fire Marshal’s Office. To access the newsletter please click here.
PTG News!
Our support drive is under way and if you’d like to make a donation to the PTG you can do so via PayPal by visiting our website Donations via check can be made out to Bedford PTG and returned to school with students in the PTG support envelops that have been sent home. With your support we are able to put over $65,000/year in programs and events into our schools!!
K-8 Volunteer Packets should have come home with students. You can also access the forms at under Helpful Links/Forms. If you are interested in volunteering at Memorial be sure to fill one out and return to school to be made aware of volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Memorial School Volunteer Welcome Coffee
Please join us Friday September 15th from 9:30-10:00am! We are in need of various coordinator and shadowing positions. Hope to see you there.
Volunteer Meadow Farms Gifts, Wrap and More: Looking for quality gift wrap, everyday gifts and gourmet mixes? Our popular Gifts, Wrap & More fundraiser is just around the corner. Brochures will be coming home next week with ordering details.
Sale starts Monday, 9/18 and orders are due by Monday, 10/2.
Wonder what the PTG is and what we do? Check us out at Bedford Olde Home Day on Saturday, September 23rd from 10am-3pm. Learn more about school programs and community events sponsored by the PTG, meet our Bulldog, and see how you can be involved.
Meet the Principals Event: You are invited to join the PTG and the Principals from all six schools at our annual "Coffee with the Principals" event on Wednesday, September 27th from 9:30 - 10:30 a.m. at BCTV (10 Meetinghouse Road). This is a great opportunity to hear what each school has in store for the year. There will be a Q & A
following the presentation. Light refreshments will be served and your young children are welcome to attend.
We still have families that have not completed the online registration (Infosnap). The online process replaced all the paperwork we have required in the past. It is important for us to have updated information on your child(ren). Please complete the registration as soon as possible. If you have questions about this, please call Deb Gelinas at 627-1776.
Harlem Wizards v. Lurgio Lions Fundraiser - Tickets on Sale Now!
On September 22, at 6:30 PM in the Bedford High School Gymnasium, staff from the Bedford School District will face-off against the Harlem Wizards basketball team. All funds raised from this event will go towards extracurricular programs at Lurgio Middle School. Click [HERE] to watch a video about the event then click [HERE] to buy your tickets. You won’t want to miss out on this extraordinary community event!
Important Dates
· September 15- Volunteer Welcome Coffee, 9:30am in the library
· September 27- Coffee with the Principals, 9:30am at BCTV
· October 4- PTG New Family Welcome 9:30am at the Bedford Town Library
· October 6- No School for students as this is a Workshop Day for staff
· October 9- No School in observance of Columbus Day
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