I have really enjoyed getting to know your children during these first few days of school. Yesterday we had our first practice fire drill and it couldn’t have gone smoother. Students were cooperative, respectful, and timely. They all did a great job.
I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday.
BEEP Parents
Classes begin Tuesday September 5th. BEEP parents and students will meet their teachers the day their class begins.
Support for Houston
At Memorial School, we strive to help students become “peacemakers” by developing empathy, care, and concern for others. With the recent crisis in Texas resulting from Hurricane Harvey, we would like to model community outreach and show support for families with young children in the Houston area, by donating to an organization called the Texas Diaper Bank. This organization creates family kits to help support families in need. We will be having a “Dollars and Cents” drive for the month of September. If you are able, please send in cash or coins to donate so that we can help support families who have been affected by this terrible storm. Please send donations in a labeled baggie or envelope during the month of September.
Thank you for your help and support!
If plans change…
If for some reason plans change during the day and your child will not be following the same routine at dismissal we ask that you notify the office and let us know. Teachers do not always get to their messages prior to dismissal so to make sure plans are followed correctly we ask to be notified in the office.
Thank you
Notes from the nurse's office as we return to school:
Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a fun-filled and relaxing summer. Here are some important reminders from the health office:
Medication in school
Students may have medications in school, given from the health office, with the necessary paperwork. This paperwork includes a new doctor’s order each school year as well as signed parent permission. Medication brought in by parent must be in labeled container. Please remember to check expiration dates on medication labels and bring in up to date medications.
Breakfast, lunch & snack and hydration
It is important for students to fuel their bodies in the morning with a healthy breakfast to start their school day. It is also important to send your child with a water bottle each day as well as a healthy snack and lunch.
Illness or communicable diseases
Please do not send your child to school if they have been ill with a fever or vomiting within the last 24 hours. If your child has been diagnosed with a communicable disease, such as chicken pox, please inform the school nurse. Please also notify nurse if your child has strep throat. The child should stay home on antibiotics and fever free for at least 24 hours. This is very important because some students must notify their doctor of any exposures. It is helpful to inform nurse on absentee line as to what symptoms your child is exhibiting. The nurse tracks trends of illness to help keep school healthy.
The AAP (American Association of Pediatrics) no longer recommends mass screening for head lice. Since most cases are found by parents, here is some information to help you determine if your child has head lice.
The primary symptom of head lice is an intense itching. The areas of the scalp most affected are the nape (back) of the neck and behind the ears. Adult lice are grayish brown wingless insects that are as tiny as a sesame seed. They shy away from light and are very hard to see. Nits (eggs) are tiny but they are firmly glued to the hair shaft, most often near the scalp. They appear as shiny whitish ovals. Nits hatch in just 7-10 days. To check for nits, use natural light or bright light. Begin by lifting and separating hairs behind the ears and at the nape of the neck. It is virtually impossible to remove nits from hair without a fine tooth comb or by pulling with tweezers, unlike dandruff. If you suspect your child does have head lice, notify the school nurse for verification and treat with an over the counter treatment recommended by your doctor. Your child will also need to be checked by the school nurse prior to returning to class.
Immunizations and Physicals
The New Hampshire state law requires written documentation of vaccines being up to date and on file in the nurse's office as well a physical on file at the start of preschool, start of kindergarten and if new student to school. See the NH Department of Health and Human Services web site for more information at: http://www.dhhs.nh.gov/dph/immunizations/school.htm
Health Screening
The school nurse conducts vision and hearing screenings each school year. Grade 1 will have both hearing and vision screening. Grade 2nd and 4th will have vision screenings. The 3rd grade will have hearing screenings. If you have a concern about your child's vision or hearing please contact the health office. If you do not want your child screened please contact the health office.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at 627-1776 extension 23204 as well as via email cooka@sau25.net
I am looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
Anna Cook
School Nurse
Protect 180
Each School Day is Important:
As we enter a new school year, I would like to remind folks to make every effort to maximize instructional time for students and teachers. Simply put, all stakeholders should work to protect the 180 days that school is in session. Everyone has a role to play:
- Students can arrive at school on time each day and be prepared to put forth their best effort.
- Parents can closely monitor student attendance and avoid scheduling vacations and appointments during the school day.
- Teachers can strive to provide high-quality lesson plans and assessments to ensure that students are actively engaged every single day.
- Principals and assistant principals can work proactively to eliminate interruptions and distractions during the school day.
- Support staff can make sure that facilities are well-maintained and equipment is functioning properly.
- Central office administrators can avoid pulling teachers from classrooms for workshops and meetings unless absolutely necessary.
Research shows that access to high-quality instruction is the best tool for improving student achievement; therefore, I encourage everyone to Protect 180.
Any family that has not completed the online registration for your child(ren) should complete the online registration (Infosnap). The online process replaced all the paperwork we have required in the past. It is important for us to have updated information on your child(ren). Please complete the registration as soon as possible. If you have questions about this, please call Deb Gelinas at 627-1776.
Harlem Wizards v. Lurgio Lions Fundraiser - Tickets on Sale Now!
On September 22, at 6:30 PM in the Bedford High School Gymnasium, staff from the Bedford School District will face-off against the Harlem Wizards basketball team. All funds raised from this event will go towards extracurricular programs at Lurgio Middle School. Click [HERE] to watch a video about the event then click [HERE] to buy your tickets. You won’t want to miss out on this extraordinary community event!
Important Dates
· September 4- No School in observance of Labor Day
· September 6- Picture Day
· September 7- Picture Day for BEEP students not here on the 6th
· September 13-Open House
o 5:30-6:15pm BEEP
o 6:15-6:45 AM Kindergarten
o 6:30-7:10 Grades 1 and 2
o 7:00-7:30 PM Kindergarten and K Plus
o 7:20-7:50 Grades 3 and 4
· September 15- Volunteer Welcome Coffee, 9:30am in the library
· September 27- Coffee with the Principals, 9:30am at BCTV
· October 4- PTG New Family Welcome 9:30am at the Bedford Town Library
· October 6- No School for students as this is a Workshop Day for staff
· October 9- No School in observance of Columbus Day
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