Friday, January 8, 2021

Principal's News 1/8/2021

Message of the Month

Self Care - (Physical and Mental Student Wellness)

Important Dates

  • January 15 – End of Quarter 2
  • January 18 – No School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance
  • January 22 – Report Cards Released Online 
  •  January 28–  Principal's Winter Reading Night- BCTV Channel 23
  • February 14 – Happy Valentine’s Day!
  • February 22-26 – Winter Vacation

Parent Resource Documents

K-8 Hybrid Calendar                                           

Hybrid Parent Guide 

Remote Parent Guide

Bedford Reopening Plan

Welcome back and Happy 2021!  I hope everyone had time to rest and gear up as we move towards the second half of our school year.  

Important Reminders for in-school students
For those of you sending your children into the building I would like to remind you all to continue being vigilant about monitoring your child for any symptoms related to COVID-19, following the the school's mitigation measures and the Department of Health and Human Services guidelines for quarantine. These are the things keeping our students safely in school. We appreciate your continued support.  Click HERE for detailed information for families.
If your child is involved in out of school activities and has to quarantine from those activities for any reason they will also be required to quarantine from school and should stay home during the quarantine period.  With activities where children are in close contact to one another it is  recommended to quarantine for 14 days from the activity and 10 days from school. Please contact Mrs. Cook if there is any exposure during any of these after school activities.

Snow Day Lunch Info/Announcements
In the event of additional snow days this winter, we want to let parents know how the district deals with hot lunches the following day. There is no rule of thumb when determining the lunch menu on the day following a snow day as the menu for that day is dependent upon what was on the menu the day of the snow day, what prep the kitchen had to do, and what fresh produce the kitchen had ordered. Therefore, our district’s Food Service Director (Emily Murphy) provides an announcement on the SAU’s website on the Food and Nutrition page, which will detail, by school, what the hot lunch offering will be the day following the snow day. This information will be available the day of the snow day.

Wellness Newsletter
Memorial's Wellness Team helps provide the Memorial community of parents and teachers with support and tools that we're using to educate our students. The newsletter is updated every week with resources and ideas for everyone to enjoy. Please click HERE to access the Wellness blog. You'll also receive a friendly reminder over the weekend.

Mrs. Davison's Enrichment Riddle of the Week
Brainstorm as a family and have fun with this.  Mrs. Davison has added her "Riddle of the Week" to her blog and it includes a form where people can submit answers.  Check it out HERE.



PRINCIPAL WINTER READING NIGHT:  Our principals are coming to you this year! Dress in your PJ’s, find a favorite spot in the comfort of your home, then tune in to BCTV on January 28th at 6:30 p.m. to hear our principals read you a story! This is sure to be a fun-filled family event. 


Concurrent Learning 
(A message from our Asst. Superintendent Laliberte)
The Bedford School District continues to adapt our practices to support the needs of learners. As you are aware, the state of New Hampshire has seen increased positive COVID-19 cases. As a result, we have had more students who have been required to quarantine and are unable to attend school in person. To support these students, our K-8 schools will offer synchronous opportunities, when appropriate, for students to connect with their teachers. For some, this will be in the form of concurrent learning. Teachers will determine when and how students join concurrently, and will work with parents as to what will be best in those situations.

Concurrent learning occurs when students who are receiving instruction in the classroom are joined by their peers who are in a virtual setting. This is more difficult for the teacher to navigate; however, they have been offered training opportunities in order to assist quarantined students who would otherwise not have direct access to their teachers while at home. Please find the expectations for students and parents in THIS document.

Feel free to contact your building leaders and teachers with any questions.

Teachers Preparing Work for Students at Home
It is important to know that teachers do not automatically have work set aside for your child if they are not in school.  If your child is quarantining it is important to work out the details with their classroom teacher how work will be handled.  When teachers take the time to prepare work to go home it is placed on a table right inside the front doors.  Please pick up this work in a timely manner so that your child is not overwhelmed with the amount.  Working together, we will be able to make the best out of a less than ideal situation.  

Thank you!

Memorial Remote and Hybrid Learning Success Site
On this site you will find a wide variety of resources to assist you and your child while away from 
school, whether that is remote learning or on their distance days. These resources are meant to be used as a framework; every student learns differently. If a resource doesn't fit perfectly for them, please feel free to edit it to make them as successful as possible. 

Here is the LINK to the website.

Important reminders from the Health Office:
If your child misses school and the absence is related to illness please call the absentee line (school nurse monitors absentee line). Please leave a reason for the absence (this helps school nurse with decreasing calls she has to make).  If the illness, even mild symptoms or singular symptoms, is related to the covid screening criteria the recommendation is to get tested for covid. Please leave a message on the absentee line to the nurse if you plan to have your child tested and then follow up with the nurse about the results. If your child is ill please keep them home and have them tested. Please call the school nurse with any questions.

Dressing for the Weather - Recess
Our goal is to have students will go outside for recess (after eating lunch) as often as possible. Please make sure to send your child to school with a warm coat, hat, mittens/gloves, snow pants and boots (when appropriate). Snow will be coming and we want all our students to be prepared by staying warm while having fun.
As is outlined in our reopening plan during Distance Learning Day students are expected to complete tasks assigned by their teachers for the purposes of extended learning, practice, review, and reinforcement.  These are school days so if you are planning on not having your child participate on these days they will be marked absent from school for that day. Please notify the office by calling the Attendance Line at 627-1776 Option #1 if your child is unable to attend or participate. Thank you!

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