GRIT- Celebrating the process not the outcome
Important Dates
- February 11 - No School, NH Primary Day
- February 24-28 - No School, Winter vacation week
- March 10 - No School - Workshop Day/Town Voting Day
- March 13 - Kindergarten Love Bug Brunch 8:00-10:00am
- March 27 - MEM Spring Fling 5:00-8:00pm
- March 31- Spirit Day inside-out, wacky, or backwards day
- April 3 - Report Cards released online
- April 6-10 - Scholastic Book Fair
- April 21- School Spirit Day - Disney Day (Tentative)
- April 27- May 1- No School, Spring Vacation
This month, students will learn about GRIT and the importance of the process not the outcome. Psychologist Angela Duckworth has found that the hallmark to high achievement in all domains is a “blend of passion and perseverance”, which she calls GRIT. Students will learn that perseverance leads to brain growth and success. Click HERE for a visual reminder. By emphasizing the process of learning and teaching students to expect struggle, we can encourage them to try new and hard things, thus leading to greater success.
News From the Gym
It’s time for Kids Heart Challenge! This program teaches heart-healthy habits and helps the American Heart Association raise money for research and education that saves lives. Students will learn about the importance of taking care of their hearts. Your child will learn about making healthy choices and can share life saving tips.
Your child will receive his/her fundraising envelope the week of 2/17/20. Students will make a difference in people’s lives! Ask family and friends if they’d like to donate. Also, their donations can help us earn certificates for PE equipment so we can keep our students moving!
Thanks You all!
Memorial School’s Annual Spring Fling Event planning is underway
Save the date: 3-27-20 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm
You are invited to join us for any of our three dinner seatings and our raffle of exciting theme baskets. The baskets are created by Memorial School students, families, friends and many area merchants. We hope you can join us for this fun filled family event. Spring Fling is our annual fundraiser that supports Memorial School’s continued efforts to provide enhanced educational opportunities for our students. All funds raised directly benefit Memorial School’s children. More information will be coming!
Memorial School’s Annual Spring Fling Event planning is underway
Save the date: 3-27-20 from 5:00pm - 8:00pm
You are invited to join us for any of our three dinner seatings and our raffle of exciting theme baskets. The baskets are created by Memorial School students, families, friends and many area merchants. We hope you can join us for this fun filled family event. Spring Fling is our annual fundraiser that supports Memorial School’s continued efforts to provide enhanced educational opportunities for our students. All funds raised directly benefit Memorial School’s children. More information will be coming!
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY - VP Fundraising: The PTG is looking for a VP Fundraising to oversee the planning and execution of PTG district-wide fundraisers. This role can be shared and works closely with the chairs/committees for each fundraiser. This role is a board position and a great way to get more involved with the PTG and our schools. Please email if you are interested in this role or would like to learn more about it.
COLOR BLAST FUN RUN/WALK COMMUNITY EVENT: Save the date…Sunday, May 31st as PTG hosts another Color Blast Fun Run/Walk. Registration opens March 13th. More exciting details coming in the next few weeks.
Local businesses…want to join the PTG’s efforts in providing enriching educational opportunities, creating community events, and helping support the individual needs of our Bedford School District, while gaining positive exposure for your business? Consider becoming a Color Blast Fun Run/Walk sponsor! Visit HERE for more information or contact
A Safety Message from our Transportation Coordinator (Anne Wiggin)
It has been reported that when some students miss their bus in the morning, their parents are dropping them off at a different bus stop to take the bus to school. Often times, they get out of a parent's vehicle and run up to the bus door from behind the bus. The bus drivers aren't able to see them coming, which creates a very dangerous situation. Moving forward, if students miss their bus, parents will need to bring them to school rather than trying to catch up with the bus.
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser (BHS Prom Committee)
The BHS Prom Committee is holding their annual Krispy Kreme fundraiser. If you would like to pre-order a box (or more) of donuts, please use this link. Pick up is Tuesday, February 11th, at Primary voting from 7 am-7pm. Boxes will also be on sale until donuts run out.
Bedford Childfind Day
A Safety Message from our Transportation Coordinator (Anne Wiggin)
It has been reported that when some students miss their bus in the morning, their parents are dropping them off at a different bus stop to take the bus to school. Often times, they get out of a parent's vehicle and run up to the bus door from behind the bus. The bus drivers aren't able to see them coming, which creates a very dangerous situation. Moving forward, if students miss their bus, parents will need to bring them to school rather than trying to catch up with the bus.
Krispy Kreme Fundraiser (BHS Prom Committee)
The BHS Prom Committee is holding their annual Krispy Kreme fundraiser. If you would like to pre-order a box (or more) of donuts, please use this link. Pick up is Tuesday, February 11th, at Primary voting from 7 am-7pm. Boxes will also be on sale until donuts run out.
Bedford Childfind Day
The Bedford School District is sponsoring a Childfind Day.
A child must attain his/her 5th birthday on or before September 30, 2020 to be eligible for kindergarten.
A child must attain his/her 6th birthday on or before September 30, 2020 to be eligible for first grade.
Kindergarten students who are currently enrolled at MEM (or anywhere in the district) do not need to register for 1st grade.
Free vision, hearing, and developmental screenings are offered for children suspected to have delays in language, learning, and/or development.
- Who: Preschool Children, between the ages of birth and 6
- What: The Childfind Program purpose is to identify children that may require special educational services.
- When: Friday, February 21, 2020
- Where: Memorial Elementary School, 55 Old Bedford Rd
Appointments are Required
For an appointment, please call 627-1776 ext. 23275 February 1st to February 14th between 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Registration (2020 – 2021)
You may download and print out registration packets HERE or stop by our school to pick one up. The packets need to be returned to the school by Thursday, March 5th. A $525 deposit is required with the K+ registration (checks made out to Bedford School District).For an appointment, please call 627-1776 ext. 23275 February 1st to February 14th between 11:30 AM and 2:30 PM
Kindergarten and 1st Grade Registration (2020 – 2021)
A child must attain his/her 5th birthday on or before September 30, 2020 to be eligible for kindergarten.
A child must attain his/her 6th birthday on or before September 30, 2020 to be eligible for first grade.
Kindergarten students who are currently enrolled at MEM (or anywhere in the district) do not need to register for 1st grade.
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