Friday, April 5, 2019

Principal's Notes 4/5/19

April Messages
Peace Message: 

Brain Message: There’s a difference between not knowing and not knowing YET!

Important Dates 
  • April 5 – Report Cards Released (on-line)
  • April 8-11 – Scholastic Book Fair
  • April 10 – BINGO Night 4:30-6:00pm
  • April 22-26 – Spring Vacation
  • May 10 – Memorial's Tall/Small Dance 6:30-8:00pm
  • May 22 – Grade 1 Orientation and Screenings
  • May 31  Kindergarten Overview; 9:00-10:00 am in the Cafeteria
  • May 9 – PTG Coffee with the Principals (9:30 AM @ BCTV)
  • May 16 – Grandparents’ Day
  • May 21 – PTG Year in Review with the Superintendent (9:30 AM @ BCTV)
  • May 22 – McKelvie Parent Information Night (4th to 5th grade)  
  • May 23– Spring Concert; 7:00 PM McKelvie Intermediate School
  • May 24 – District Workshop Day – No School for Students
  • May 27 – Memorial Day Observed – No School
  • May 30  Field Day
  • June 2 – PTG Color Blast Run
  • June 5 – 4th Grade Musical, Manchester Christian Church 
  • June 10 – Tentative Last Day of School/4th Grade Clap Out/Move Up Day

From Mrs. Pleat’s Desk…

This month, students will learn about perseverance and the importance of sticking with tasks, even when they are difficult. Psychologist Angela Duckworth has found that the hallmark to high achievement in all domains is a “blend of passion and perseverance”, which she calls grit (Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, by Angela Duckworth). Students will learn that perseverance leads to brain growth and success. They will hear about various people who persevered through difficult times, in order to reach their goals. To further our teachings of growth mindset, we will reframe the struggles, frustration and difficulties of trying something new, as an expected piece of the learning and growing process. Students will learn the neuroscience behind growth mindset; that our brains grow when we learn from mistakes, persevere, and do hard things. Therefore, they may not know something now, but they just don’t know it YET. By emphasizing the process of learning and teaching students to expect struggle, we can encourage them to try new and hard things, thus leading to greater success.

For more information on growth mindset and student success, visit:

Report Cards
Report Cards Report cards were released on PowerSchool at 2:30 PM today. To access your child's report card online, log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal and you will see a Report Cards icon in the left hand pane. When you click on this icon your child's report card will appear on the screen. You can scroll to see the entire report card and choose to print it, if you'd like.

Spring Book Fair
Our Spring Book Fair is up and running. Thanks to all the volunteers who came in to make it look so wonderful. The dates are Monday, April 8th through Thursday, April 11th. Our goal is to be open Monday and Thursday from 8am to 6pm and Tuesday and Wednesday from 8am to 3pm.  One exception: The Book Fair will extend hours during Bingo Night, 4:30-6:00!

Bingo Night
Grab your Dabbers! Memorial School Book Fair Bingo Night is coming Wednesday, April 4th from 4:30-6:00pm. Win in Bingo and win a book, there will be lots of of opportunities for everyone.

4th to 5th Grade Band Information Night
The McKelvie Music Department will be touring the elementary schools on Monday, May 13th. There will be a Band Information Night on Tuesday, May 14th at 6:00pm in the McKelvie Cafeteria. There will be information for parents regarding sign-ups and instrument rentals, and instruments for students to view and hold. Please email Christa Wickham at with any questions.

Book Drive—BHS Senior Project
BHS Senior, Will Zimmerman, will be running a book drive to benefit CLiF at MEM throughout the month of April for his Senior Project. This drive is to collect new books for the Children’s Literacy Foundation to be distributed to low-income, at-risk, and rural children up to age 12 throughout New Hampshire and Vermont. There will be a collection bin (for books or monetary donations) in the hallway outside of the office. The upcoming Scholastic Book Fair will be a perfect opportunity to both purchase and donate books! Together, we can help ensure a brighter future for the youth of NH and VT! Thank you for your support!
To learn more about CLiF, click HERE or visit!

Volleyball Opportunity for Girls 9-12 - BHS Senior Project
Hi everyone! My name is Caroline Robinson and I am a senior at Bedford High School. For my senior Project I am hosting a free volleyball clinic at the Bedford High School Gymnasium on Sunday, April 7th from 3-5 and Sunday, April 14th from 3-5. The age group I am looking to come is girls ages 9-12. This clinic is for girls wanting to learn how to play volleyball or just wanting to improve their game! This is completely free. If anybody has any questions you can reach out to me at . Please let me know if your daughter can come to both sessions, or even just one of them. Please either RSVP via my email or my sign-up genius which can be found here:
Thank you so much!
Caroline Robinson 

Memorial's Tall/Small Dance
Coming May 10th from 6:30-8:00pm.  Please click HERE for more information and FAQ.

PTG News and Information
April 20th @ 10AM

In an attempt to provide guidance to the School Board on potential, long-term adjustments to the BHS schedule and staffing for students with diverse learning progressions, Bob Jozokos, Associate Principal at BHS, and Tom Laliberte, Assistant Superintendent, are looking for feedback from parents at all school levels. 

If you are interested in meeting with Bob and Tom on April 20 at 10:00AM at Memorial Elementary School, please contact School Liaisons Kenn Archibald ( or Marc Murai ( 

If you are interested, but unable to attend this meeting, an additional evening session will be held in May (date yet to be determined).

BEDFORD PTG COLOR BLAST FUN RUN/WALK SUNDAY JUNE 2nd 9:30AM -Don’t miss your chance to get in on the Colorful Fun and Support our Schools. New registration discounts available for returning runners, PLUS children’s price now applies to kids 10 and under and 4-pack of entries available at a reduced rate. Click  HERE to register and visit our Color Blast Fun Run/Walk website for event details. 
Register by Friday, May 3rd to take advantage of our reduced pricing and purchase a Color Blast t-shirt and swag bag including drawstring bag, sunglasses, bandana, and your own color bag to throw at the start of the race!
**First 250 registrants will be entered for a chance to win a raffle, where two lucky winners will receive a $25.00 Barnes and Noble gift card**
Not participating in the Fun/Run but still want to be involved…click HERE for Volunteer Opportunities.

SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR NEXT WEEK – Scholastic Book Dino-Mite Book Fair…Stomp, Chomp and Read, will take place April 8th - 11th  at all elementary and McKelvie schools. PTG’s Scholastic Book Fair will be a reading event that brings the books kids want to read right into our school. It will have a wonderful selection of engaging and affordable books for every reading level. Please check with your schools for specific shopping hours.

PTG BOARD AND DISTRICT VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITES: Looking for some great opportunities to volunteer next year? The PTG has some exciting Board and District-level positions available for the 2019/20 school year.

*Program Research Coordinator-Help the PTG find new educational and enriching programs to bring into our schools. PTG funds author visits, artists, singers, performance groups, animal encounters and so much more. We are always looking for new ideas to possibly bring to our schools and students. We are looking for someone to help us research and find these exciting opportunities.

*Elementary Level Program Coordinator -Responsible for coordinating the O.R.K. programming (such as Eyes On Owls, Tanglewood Marionettes & Bat Presentations) and A.I.R. programming (Artists in Residence) at Memorial, Peter Woodbury, AND Riddle Brook elementary schools. Track programming and budget, ensure payment delivery, and communicate within and between all 3 elementary schools.

*Lurgio PTG School Liaison- Serve as a member of the PTG Executive Board. Work closely with the school Principal and faculty representative/s to foster strong communication and partnership between their respective schools and the PTG. Support PTG activities and events through both volunteer and coordination efforts as needed. This role is a great way to be more involved in your school and with the PTG Board. Candidate should have a student at Lurgio.

*Riddle Brook PTG School Liaison- Serve as a member of the PTG Executive Board. Work closely with the school Principal and faculty representative/s to foster strong communication and partnership between their respective schools and the PTG. Support PTG activities and events through both volunteer and coordination efforts as needed. This role is a great way to be more involved in your school and with the PTG Board. Candidate should have a student at Riddle Brook.

If you are interested in any of these roles or would like more information please email by April 12TH.

FISHER CATS DISCOUNTED TICKETS - Join the PTG for a fun family evening with the Fisher Cats on Friday May 3rd. Arrive early for the High Five Tunnel and stay late for Fireworks!. 
Click  HERE  for more information and to order DISCOUNTED tickets. Return order form with check payable to NH Fisher Cats to school by April 19th . Tickets will be available at the Will Call window on 5/3.

BHS GRADUATION SEAT RAFFLE - The PTG is raffling off 2 sets of FOUR seats for the June 8th Graduation Ceremony in a prime picture taking spot. Winners will also receive one reserved parking spot that day. $20/Entry or 6 Entries for $100. Click HERE  for entry form and details. Entries, with cash or check payable to “Bedford PTG”, are due to BHS school office by JUNE 3rd. Winners will be drawn & announced on June 5th. 
 *All funds raised through this raffle support programming & events in Bedford schools*


BHS Senior Project for Make-A-Wish
BHS Senior, Sophia Sargent, is hosting an Easter Brunch for elementary age students and families, which will benefit Make-A-Wish. Please click HERE to read more about it.

Food Pantry
Memorial is continuing to work with the Bedford Food Pantry to help collect food items that are most needed by families. Every other month we will be collecting 1 food item. For the month of April that item is Pasta with Meat. We will have a box for donations in the hallway by the main entrance. Thank you so much for supporting this very worthy cause, which supports Bedford families.

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