October Messages
Peace Message: Responsibility and being Bully Free
Brain Message: My Brain is like a Muscle the Grows
Important Dates
- October 27 – Witch Way Fun Run- Lurgio Middle School
- October 31 – Happy Halloween!
- November 2 – End of Quarter 1
- November 6 – Workshop Day/Election Day – NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- November 12 – Veterans’ Day Observance – NO SCHOOL
- November 17 – PTG Ski and Skate Sale
- November 20- School Spirit Day "Wear your favorite color"
- November 21-23 – Thanksgiving Break
- November 26-30 – Memorial's Scholastic Book Fair
- November 28 – Memorial's Math and Literacy Night from 6:00-7:30pm
Weather Change
Our weather is turning colder. Please make sure children are coming to school dressed appropriately. We have a number of students coming in and asking for extra coats, sweatshirts, and gloves and are having a difficult time accommodating all of them.
It looks like the Wicked Witch of the West is playing a cruel trick on us with the weather for the Lurgio Witch Way Fun Run on Saturday, October 27th. Instead of a tornado, we are getting a Nor'easter. In keeping with our theme of more FUN, we have decided to move our fundraiser indoors, which means we have been able to add more games and activities for the whole family to enjoy.
While we won’t be able to trick or trot down County Road, we will be taking our bibbed participants through the school to visit our Halloween-themed pit stops on a journey that culminates in the gymnasium and dining hall with the fun activities of our Witch Way Family Fun Fest. In addition to the costume contest and raffles prizes, we will also have Halloween-themed crafts, inflatable bounce houses, face painting, pumpkin decorating, and so much more!
Schedule of Events:
- 9:30-10:30 Registration and bib/t-shirt pickup (Media Center)
- 9:30-11:00 Halloween-themed Pit Stops Open (Lurgio Hallways)
- 9:30-12:00 Food, Crafts, Activities and Games (Dining Hall and Gym)
- 10:45 Raffle winners drawn - winners posted and prize pickup (Lurgio Gym)
- 11:00 Costume Contest winners announced (Lurgio Gym)
- 11:00-12:00 Food, Crafts, Activities and Games in (Dining Hall and Gym)
We want to thank all our sponsors, participants, and volunteers for their flexibility as we adjust for the unpredictable weather this weekend. We look forward to a great community turnout tomorrow for our annual fundraiser!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Donna Dennis - dennisd@sau25.net.
Bedford Community Food Drive
The Bedford Community Food Pantry is a valuable resource for those in our community who are facing hunger or food insecurity. The Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 organization that is a well-coordinated effort between 5 area churches, local organizations, including the Bedford Lion's Club and the Boy Scouts, and individuals and families in Bedford.
The Bedford Community Food Pantry is a valuable resource for those in our community who are facing hunger or food insecurity. The Food Pantry is a 501(c)3 organization that is a well-coordinated effort between 5 area churches, local organizations, including the Bedford Lion's Club and the Boy Scouts, and individuals and families in Bedford.
They are always in need of THESE FOOD ITEMS. They are asking the Bedford Schools to collect certain items each month to support the Food Pantry. At Memorial, we are asked to collect canned fruits throughout the month of November. We will have a collection box near our entrance for the items.
Thank you all in advance for your support.
BHS Krispy Kreme PROM Fundraiser
To pre-order a box (a dozen) of Krispy Kreme donuts, please follow the link.
- A box is $10.00.
- Donuts can be picked up on November 6th, election day, when you come to vote, 7 am-7pm.
- Online payment is available through “Send Money to School”. Cash and checks are accepted also.
Pats Peak Learn to Ski and Ride Program
Sign-up for this year's Learn to Ski or Ride (LTSR) program at Pats Peak! This is a five-week Learn to Ski or Snowboard series for students in grades 1-8. The program runs Friday, January 4, 11, 18, 25 and February 1. There are 3:30 and 4:30 lessons available, or if you have an experienced student, they can opt to just do the lift ticket. Rentals are available for an additional cost. You must provide your own transportation, as this is not a school sponsored activity. An adult must be present during the lessons.
To sign up: www.patspeak.com/LTSR . Select "CLICK HERE TO REGISTER".
Login info:
To sign up: www.patspeak.com/LTSR . Select "CLICK HERE TO REGISTER".
Login info:
3:30 PM lessons: bedfordski330
4:30 PM lessons: bedfordski430
4:30 PM lessons: bedfordski430
To receive the discounted rate, registration must be paid in full by November 15th. Please contact Kris Balistreri at shepador2005@yahoo.com or Kim Peicker at kpeicker@comcast.net with any questions.
Visit the Bedford NH Pats Peak Ski and Ride 2019 Facebook page for more information.
GIFT CARD FUNDRAISER – Want your gift cards delivered before Hanukkah and Thanksgiving…be sure to get your order in no later than WEDNESDAY 10/31 (2ND and final order due date is November 29th). A gift card is the perfect gift for any occasion! Purchasing gift cards through the PTG provides support for the Bedford schools with no additional cost to you! To download an order form please click here…Gift Card Order Form. Any orders received after 10/31 will be processed with the 2nd round of orders due on 11/29 and will be delivered before Winter break. For more information about this program, click here… Gift Card Program. HAPPY SHOPPING!
Order by October 31st for Pre-Thanksgiving/Hanukkah Delivery
Order by November 28th for Pre-Christmas Delivery
BEDFORD PTG SKI, SKATE, & MORE SALE! - Save on new and used winter sports equipment & apparel! Our annual SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE will take place on Saturday, November 17, 2018 from 9AM - 2PM at Bedford High School. Whether you are in the market for ski equipment, snowboards, hockey gear, or winter outerwear, this sale provides a cost-effective opportunity to outfit you and your family for the upcoming winter season!
Got winter gear and clothing to sell…visit PTG Website for consignment information. You can drop off your pre-tagged items at the BHS Gymnasium on Friday, November 16, 2018 between 5PM – 8PM. Please note: IF YOU NEED TO PRINT YOUR TAGS ON SITE AT BHS DURING EQUIPMENT DROP OFF THERE WILL BE A $1.00 CHARGE PER TAG.
CARDIGAN CORNER at SKI, SKATE and MORE SALE! New this year the PTG is excited to offer Cardigan Corner at the Ski, Skate and More Sale. For families whose kids have conquered Lurgio’s Mt. Cardigan experience as part of the RAL 8th grade environmental unit of study and have gear to consign, or for those looking for a good deal on quality used items for the upcoming adventure…Cardigan Corner is for you!
STAY CONNECTED to PTG: Please visit our PTG WEBSITE, “like” our FACEBOOK PAGE, check us out on Instagram (bedfordPTG) and Twitter (@Bedfordptg) to see all the exciting things happening at our schools. Thank you for your support!
November Holiday Letter from Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Pleat
The holiday season is approaching and the excitement is building, as we look forward to happy celebrations with family and friends. This is a busy time for many of us, and children can sometimes become overwhelmed. Eating a healthy diet, getting extra sleep and having some quiet time may help your child to stay healthier.
As your School Nurse and School Counselor, we recognize that holiday anticipation may not be joyful for all students and families, and instead brings stress, fear and even sadness. As always, our school community is here to assist you, if needed. Please let us know if you are in need of assistance.
Through the generous donations of others in our school community, we can help. If you know someone that may be having difficulty, please encourage them to let us know. All assistance is confidentially given. We hope that all Memorial children who celebrate this time of year can experience wonderful memories to share with friends and family.
For those families who would like to help support us during this time of the year, we truly appreciate your generosity. What a wonderful gift you are teaching your own children! Donations may be sent into the nurse’s office.
Helps Schools Initiative
Starting September 2nd and running through December 1st, the Hannaford store located at 4 Jenkins Road, Bedford, NH is running its annual Hannaford Helps Schools program. For more information, please click HERE.
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