Friday, February 16, 2018

Principal's Notes 2/16/18

Principal’s Notes
February  Messages
Peace Message: Managing our Feelings
Brain Message: I can ask for help.  Feedback is a gift.

Spring Fling 2018!
We hope you can join us for Spring Fling this year! 
Date: Friday, March 23rd from 5:00-8:00pm

BEEP Open Enrollment
It is time for Open Enrollment for our Bedford Early Education Program.  You can find the information HERE

Scholastic Spring Book Fair
All for Books coin campaign NEXT week!
Each day we will collect a different type of coin.  Each grade will have their own container.
Monday (Feb. 19) - Penny 
Tuesday (Feb. 20) - Nickel 
Wednesday (Feb. 21) - Dime 
Thursday (Feb. 22) - Quarter 
Friday (Feb. 23) - Any Coin 
Winning grade will be recognized at the next All School Meeting.  Donations go toward purchasing more books for the Memorial School and classroom libraries.

Important Reminder From the Health Office
As many of you are aware from the news, flu season is here.  If your child is showing symptoms of the flu, it is important to consult with a doctor.  If your child is diagnosed with the flu/and or shows flu symptoms such as fever, it is important to keep him/her home.  This helps ensure that they do not spread their illness to others.  This includes days that there are special school activities-  it can be hard to miss these special days but it’s important to follow the guidelines and not spread germs.  

Symptoms of the flu can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea.   Please remember, when students are sick with fever or vomiting or diarrhea- they need to be out of school for at least 24 hours after they are symptom –free without using fever reducing medications such as tylenol or advil.  
Please take a look at this link from the CDC for helpful information about the flu: 

If your child has been diagnosed with a contagious illness, please notify the school nurse.  Please also notify nurse if your child has strep throat.  The child should stay home on antibiotics and fever free for at least 24 hours.   This is very important because some students must notify their doctor of any exposures.  It is helpful to inform nurse on absentee line as to what symptoms your child is exhibiting.  The nurse tracks trends of illness to help keep school healthy.
Thank you for helping to keep Memorial School healthy!

Anna Cook, School Nurse

Bedford PTG
PANERA & PTG – Take a night off from cooking and join us at our Bedford PTG Night at Panera (Colby Court) on Thursday, March 1st anytime between 4-8pm.  Be sure to bring your Panera Flyer with you.

COLOR BLAST 2018 COMMUNITY EVENT…Save the date Sunday June 3rd! Get Ready for the Most Colorful, Fun-Filled Day of Your Life as PTG hosts another Color Blast Fun Run. Stay tuned for more exciting details.

STAY CONNECTED to PTG: Please  visit our PTG WEBSITE and be sure to “like” our  FACEBOOK PAGE to see all the exciting things happening at our schools. 
Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, March 28th from 7-8:15pm at BHS Auditorium

“Understanding How to Parent So that Children Can Succeed:  
Addressing Childhood Anxiety and its Potential Pathway towards Substance Abuse” 
Special guest speaker Jessica Lahey veteran teacher, journalist, and author of The Gift of Failure: How the Best Parents Learn to Let Go So Their Children Can Succeed.
Jessica Lahey will provide insight on how to raise kids who are happy and healthy and less likely to turn to destructive coping strategies, including ways to prevent childhood addiction. Lahey will also share research on the most effective ways to parent and support the psycho-social and emotional needs of our children.  Additionally, she will outline risk factors, explain which positive interventions can overcome those risk factors, and offer parents and teachers actionable, useful tools for raising happy, resilient children who will be less likely to turn to unhealthy behaviors when faced with the increasingly toxic stress and anxiety they face at home, in school and in our society. This event is open to all parents/guardians.
The 45-minute presentation will be followed by a 30-minute question and answer session.

Jump Rope For Heart
Each year Memorial Elementary School teams up with the American Heart Association to jump into the fight against America's leading causes of death – heart disease and stroke!  Students take part in a school-based fitness/education program called Jump Rope for Heart which teaches the value of cardiovascular fitness, promotes heart healthy habits, and seeks to raise funds for critical research and educational initiatives.

If you and your child would like to take part in the American Heart Association’s fundraising efforts, please refer to the attached form. Friends and family are welcome to support students by making contributions, however we ask that children do not go door-to-door or ask strangers for donations. This year all donations are to be made using the online portal or by check. Please NO CASH DONATIONS.

Visit and find Memorial School if you wish to raise funds online.
Checks should be made payable to the American Heart Association.

As students help to raise money they may be eligible for ‘Thank-You Gifts.’ The ‘Thank-You Gift’ structure for contributions is outlined on the back of the donation form.
The Jump Rope for Heart Donation Deadline is March 14th.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Taylor Scull, 603-627-1776 ext: 23272 or

Growth Mindset
Worth viewing.  In this animation,, , Carol Dweck gives a brief and compelling synopsis of the theory of fixed and growth mindset. 

Important Dates
February 21- BEEP Playdate at Nutin' But Good Times from 3:00-4:40pm
February 26-March 2- School Vacation
March 2-8- Completed Kindergarten and First Grade registration forms to be returned
March 23- Memorial Spring Fling 5-8pm
March 30- End of Quarter 3
April 2-6 Memorial’s Scholastic Book Fair
May 10- Grandparents Day

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