Dear Memorial Families,
It has been wonderful seeing so many families as you come for parent-teacher conferences. I hope you have had the opportunity to see the students' writing on their black and white "Best Part of Me" pictures which were showcased outside each classroom. We have some incredible talent!
Guidance Message
Word of the Month: Optimism
Week of April 10:
April 12: Phrase of the Day: “Don't let a bad attitude rule your day.” If our days starts off not so well, a negative attitude can make our whole day bad. If we are optimistic and think of the good things, we have a better chance of turning our day around to something good. Affirmation of the Day: I am strong and I have a lot to offer the world. I can have a great day!
April 14: The story of Duck and Bear. Duck and Bear get a flat tire on the way to the movies. Duck is an optimist and Bear is a pessimist. Although the same things happen to both, Duck has a better day and a happier life. By being an optimist, you can make your days and life happier. Affirmation of the Day: There are lots of good things around me! I can notice the good things in my day.
Memorial School's First AnnualTall and Small Dance
We are excited to announce our first Tall and Small Dance for Memorial School on Friday May 5th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. Invitations for the dance will come home on Monday. Please return the RSVP envelop by Friday, April 21st. We ask that it be one Small (Memorial student) and one Tall (Adult). Bring your camera to capture some fun memories in our photo areas. Please click here for frequently asked questions.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair is Coming! Mark your calendars. Monday, May 15 - Friday, May 19.
Book Fair news: All for Books coin campaign NEXT week!
Each day we will collect a different type of coin. Each classroom will have their own container.
Penny Monday (April 17)
Nickel Tuesday (April 18)
Dime Wednesday (April 19)
Quarter Thursday (April 20)
Any Coin Friday (April 21)
Winning class determines lobby table theme for after the break. Donations go toward purchasing more books for the Memorial School and classroom libraries.
Grandparents & Senior Citizens Day 2017 On Thursday, May 11th our school will be filled with joy as our children's grandparents and senior citizen friends come to visit. A special time is planned that will include light refreshments and a choral performance by the Memorial 3rd/4th grade chorus. Guests will also have a classroom visit and a tour of the school. To register your guests, please complete and return the appropriate form(s) to your child’s teacher by May 5th. Please click on the appropriate link below.
To register guests to visit in the Afternoon Beep or Afternoon Kindergarten program, please complete and return this form by May 5th.
Please stay tuned for a signup genius for volunteer and food donation on the day of the event.
Many Thanks,
Elise Johnson, Amy Ward, Danielle Brimblecom
PTG Grandparents’ Day Coordinators
Camp Invention
Does your child like to take things apart, and design, color and create? Are you interested in unlocking your child's potential this summer? Camp Invention may be a great fit. This year's camp will be held at McKelvie Middle School July 10 - July 14 from 8:30 am - 3:00 PM. Camp Invention is the only nationally acclaimed summer enrichment day experience for children entering grades K through 6th Grade taught by certified teachers. Here's a sneak peek at what's in store for this years camp. gJwA.
Click here to register online, or here to view our paper flyer.
You can save $15 by registering on or before May 1st with the promo code DISCOVER15.
If you have any questions, please contact the director, Courtney Cheetham at
Destination Imagination Upcoming Fundraisers
Bedford DI will be having a Bake Sale outside Harvest Market tomorrow, Saturday, 10am-3pm. Tuesday, April 18th is Shorty's Fair Share for DI, so save yourself cooking on Tuesday!
The Ecosmith shoes, bags and belt donations continue thru mid-May! Bedford DI appreciates your support to help these teams with their fundraising efforts for travel to Global Finals in Knoxville, TN in May.
Mother’s Day Off Event (BHS)
As part of their BHS International Baccalaureate CAS (creativity, action, service) Project, 2 students are holding a Mother's Day Off event, which provides moms with the opportunity to drop their children off at Bedford High School on May 13th for a few hours to take some well-deserved time for themselves while their children have an equally fun time. A pizza lunch will be provided.
COLOR BLAST 5K Fun run/walk, Sunday, June 4th @ 10:00a.m.Register today and mark your calendar for a super-fun, family event! Not a runner? That’s OK. You can walk, skip, hop, twirl, dance or stroll your way through six color stations along the 5K route that starts at Lurgio Middle school on the BHS/RAL campus. Register before May 5th and add a race kit to your cart! For $10 your race kit will include a white Color Blast t-shirt in your size, a pair of sunglasses to keep the powder out of your eyes, and an individual packet of colored powder to use at the starting line “color explosion”, all in a reusable drawstring bag (there may be a few additional surprises in your kit). All funds raised from this event will go back into our schools!We are looking for volunteers and sponsors for this great event. If you or your business are interested in sponsoring the event or volunteering, please contact us at, or for more information please visit This event is presented by Derry Medical Center. YANKEE CANDLE: Due to parent interest we have reopened our Yankee Candle sale for online ordering only. Get your Easter and Mother’s Day online exclusive gifts shipped direct. Shipping is free on orders $100 or more and 40% of sales go back to the PTG. Online ordering is available through June 1st. Group Code #99996547
Upcoming PTG Event: Save the date for our annual spring "Year in Review, Coffee with the Principals” on May 9th @ 9:30 AM at BCTV.
2017-18 Calendar Update
As families start planning for next year, we thought it would be helpful to share the new calendar. Click here for the calendar. The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 29.
A Note from Health Services re: Slime
Recently a number of students have brought slime to school to play with and share with other students. We ask that students not bring slime to school as there are some health concerns that are associated with the ingredients of homemade slime. Slime is typically made with Elmer’s glue, water and Borax. Borax is found in household cleaners and laundry detergent and is known to be an eye, respiratory and skin irritant. Making DIY slime should be monitored by an adult. There are many chemical-free safe slime recipe options online to choose from. We encourage your scientist to use the chemical-free options for DIY slime. We do ask that slime not be brought into school not only because of the concern of the ingredients but to help minimize the spread of germs. Please remind your child to not bring slime to school.
Anna Cook
Bedford Memorial School Nurse
Bedford Food Pantry – Items Needed for Children
Food Insecurity is a growing concern across the nation and right here in our own backyard. Nearly 350 adults and children in Bedford qualify for food stamps and more than 167 families in Bedford meet the income standards for the government’s free school lunch program.
In light of these numbers, the Bedford Food Pantry has started a new program, School Lunch Plus, to provide students in Bedford who face food insecurity two lunches each weekend (with complete privacy/anonymity). In order to provide two lunches for each student in need, the Food Pantry is looking for donations of these specific items.
If you are able to donate these items (these are ongoing donations), please bring them by the Bedford Food Pantry at the Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, NH.
Parents/guardians, please contact the school guidance counselor or school nurse if you would like your child to participate in this program.
2017-18 Calendar Update
As families start planning for next year, we thought it would be helpful to share the new calendar. Click here for the calendar. The first day of school for students is Tuesday, August 29.
A Note from Health Services re: Slime
Recently a number of students have brought slime to school to play with and share with other students. We ask that students not bring slime to school as there are some health concerns that are associated with the ingredients of homemade slime. Slime is typically made with Elmer’s glue, water and Borax. Borax is found in household cleaners and laundry detergent and is known to be an eye, respiratory and skin irritant. Making DIY slime should be monitored by an adult. There are many chemical-free safe slime recipe options online to choose from. We encourage your scientist to use the chemical-free options for DIY slime. We do ask that slime not be brought into school not only because of the concern of the ingredients but to help minimize the spread of germs. Please remind your child to not bring slime to school.
Anna Cook
Bedford Memorial School Nurse
Bedford Food Pantry – Items Needed for Children
Food Insecurity is a growing concern across the nation and right here in our own backyard. Nearly 350 adults and children in Bedford qualify for food stamps and more than 167 families in Bedford meet the income standards for the government’s free school lunch program.
In light of these numbers, the Bedford Food Pantry has started a new program, School Lunch Plus, to provide students in Bedford who face food insecurity two lunches each weekend (with complete privacy/anonymity). In order to provide two lunches for each student in need, the Food Pantry is looking for donations of these specific items.
If you are able to donate these items (these are ongoing donations), please bring them by the Bedford Food Pantry at the Bedford Presbyterian Church, 4 Church Road, Bedford, NH.
Parents/guardians, please contact the school guidance counselor or school nurse if you would like your child to participate in this program.
April 3-14 – Parent/Teacher Conferences
April 10-18 – Passover
April 14 – Good Friday
April 16 – Easter
April 24 - 28 - Spring Vacation
May 5 - Tall and Small Dance - Stay tuned for more details!
May 1 -5 - Teacher Appreciation
May 11 - Grandparents/ Seniors Day
May 11 - Spring Concert ( at McKelvie)
April 10-18 – Passover
April 14 – Good Friday
April 16 – Easter
April 24 - 28 - Spring Vacation
May 5 - Tall and Small Dance - Stay tuned for more details!
May 1 -5 - Teacher Appreciation
May 11 - Grandparents/ Seniors Day
May 11 - Spring Concert ( at McKelvie)
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