Friday, September 9, 2016

Principal's Notes - September 9th

Dear Memorial Families,
Today feels like a steamy summer day. The children and staff have been troopers dealing with very warm classrooms. We have a very busy week next week and are looking forward to seeing you at Open House on Wednesday, September 14th. Please remember there is plenty of parking at the church across the street.


Guidance Message
Week of September 6:
September 7: Peacemaker Challenge: Greet people quietly in the hallways, out at recess, or in the cafe.  When we see people throughout our day, it is polite and respectful to acknowledge their presence by greeting them.

September 9: Your Peacemaker Challenge for today and every day is to have good manners at the table, whether at school, home, a friend’s house or out in the community.  Good table manners are another way to show respect toward others. When we practice good manners every day, we get into the habit of having good manners always. If you would like to know more about teaching manners to kids, visit:

Thank You!
Thank you to all the families that have been parking at the church once the spaces are full on our lot. I know it is not the most convenient parking but sincerely appreciate you helping to make our parent pick-up safer. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. 

Open House - Wednesday, September 14th
Open House is scheduled for Wednesday, September 14th. Below is the schedule:

BEEP - 5:30 - 6:15
AMK - 6:15 - 6:45
PMK - 7:00 - 7:30
K+ - 7:00 - 7:30
Grades 1 & 2 6:30 - 7:10
Grades 3 & 4 7:20 - 7:50

BEEP parents will meet in the cafeteria and the rest of the parents will go to their child's classroom at the designated time. Looking forward to seeing you!

*** Reminder - Volunteer Opportunities ***
If you are able to volunteer this year at Memorial School, but have not yet signed & returned the Volunteer Opportunities form (sent home with your child the first week of school), we are extending the deadline to Monday, September 12th.
If you need another form, please click this Volunteer Opportunities link, print a copy, fill out, sign, and return with your child.
For your convenience, the following are the Volunteer Opportunities descriptions.
If you are unable to physically help out, a financial donation to the Bedford PTG is always greatly appreciated.  You may send in a check payable to the Bedford PTG, or click this link to donate online.

Also, a notice will be going home regarding the Volunteer Welcome Coffee that will be held next Friday, September 16th in the Memorial School Library at 9:30AM.  This is a great opportunity to find out what volunteer opportunities are available, and who to contact with any questions.

Primary Day - Tuesday, September 13

Next Tuesday is the NH State Primary. Voting hours are 7am to 7pm at Bedford High School. Lurgio and BHS will have a two-hour delay for students​.  Please consider a 
 or t
he bus to avoid unnecessary traffic delays for yourself​.
 The elementary schools and McKelvie will follow regular hours. Voter p
arking and the entrance for voters is along side the gym entrance at the back of Bedford High School. The traffic pattern around BHS is ​clockwise one-way​. Voters enter the campus and continue straight around the back of the building.​
Election information is available on the Town's web site:

Bedford Jimmy Fund Fundraiser
Two Bedford Jimmy Fund teams will be holding a fundraising carwash and bake sale on Saturday, September 17 at McKelvie.  (rain date Sunday, September 18). 
Want to volunteer to help with the Car Wash?  Click HERE  
These two teams with connections to McKelvie will be participating in the Jimmy Fund Walk to benefit the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute on Sunday, September 25!   
To join a team and walk with us or to make a donation, choose one of the following links:  
Cure ATRT Now

McKelvie Mustangs

We hope to see lots of familiar faces in the car wash line!  Thank you.

Bedford Education Foundation
September 15th is BEF 5% Day @ Whole Foods, Bedford.  This means that 5% of each customer's purchase will be donated back to the Bedford Education Foundation!  So, please do some shopping or eating at Whole Foods anytime on September 15th!!

The Bedford Education Foundation Fall Fundraiser will be held on Friday, November 4, 2016 at the Manchester Country Club at 7:00pm.   
Tickets available at
$50 for community members and $25 for faculty and staff in Bedford
Don’t miss this fantastic evening out for a great cause

For more information or for sponsorship opportunities please email



Community Event Hosted by the PTG. You are invited to have “Coffee with the Principals” on Thursday, September 29th at BCTV, 9:30 - 10:30. Come meet our Principals and hear what’s in store for the school year. Presentation will be followed by a Q &A. Your younger children are welcome to attend. Coffee & light refreshments will be served.

Back to School Info.
Back to school greetings from the PTG!  We are looking forward to another great school year full of fantastic programs and events for our students, staff and families.  We are happy to announce that we are now accepting donations via PAYPAL.  For more information on our programming or to make a donation online visit our website at  With your support we are able to put $70,000/year in programs and events into our schools!!  Enjoy the long Labor Day weekend ahead.

Hannaford Helps Initiative
Starting September 1st, at the Hannaford stores located at 4 Jenkins Road, Bedford NH and 7 Kilton Road, Bedford NH, introduced the Hannaford Helps Reusable Bag program, which will be focused on supporting the Bedford Parent Teacher Group!
The blue bags with the good karma message can be found on the reusable bag rack and at various registers.

Smile Amazon
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Bedford PTG is one of the organizations. Please click this link to learn more about AmazonSmile


New School Lunch Prices
$2.65 Student Elementary Level
$3.25 Student RAL/BHS Level

Updated School Phone Extensions
The district has updated its phone system.  We now have 5 digits extensions.  You will need to add a 2 in front of our previous 4 digit extensions.  For example, our nurse’s former extension was 5201, and it is now 25201.

Text Message Alerts

Parents - If your cell phone number is in the District's PowerSchool Information System and you wish to receive alerts via text, you can text YES to 68453.


September 1 – 1st Day of School for BEEP
September 5 - Labor Day - No School
September 14 - Open House
September 16th - Volunteer Orientation Coffee (Library)  9:00-11:00AM
Septtember 16th - Sigmund Brouwer Author Assembly (Gym)
September 21 - Picture Day
September 29 – PTG Coffee with the Principal’s (BCTV 9:30 AM)October 2-4 – Rosh Hashanah
October 10 – Columbus Day Observance – NO SCHOOL
October 11-12 – Yom Kippur
October 28 – End of Quarter 1


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