Dear Memorial Families,
What a great start to the school year! It is wonderful having the children back. We hope that you have had an opportunity to see the face-lift to the front of Memorial ... thank you for the many complements. One of our hopes this year is to get new signage in front of Memorial ... stay tuned.
Guidance Message
Each week I will share the messages that we share with your children in hopes that you can reinforce them at home.
August Word of the Month: Peace
August 25: Mrs. Souza and I welcomed our Memorial family back, with a special welcome to new students and staff. We shared our goal to continue practicing peace and kindness in our school, so that ALL students and staff feel safe and comfortable, and so that we can have fun too. We defined peace as “taking care of ourselves, others, and the earth”, and peacemakers as people who practice peace each day. Throughout the year, Mrs. Pleat will offer ideas on how we can become peacemakers, called Peacemaker Challenges. When we all work together to become peacemakers, our school can be even more fun and friendly than it already is.
August 26: Mrs. Pleat reminded us that peace means “taking care of ourselves, others, and the earth”. She discussed our new Buddy Bench, and proposed our first Peacemaker Challenge.
Peacemaker Challenge: If you see someone on the Buddy Bench, ask them to play and be kind to them. If no one is there, look around for kids who are alone, or new kids, and invite them to play.
AM Drop-Off (Kindergarten through Grade 4)
If you drop your child off at school in the morning (7:30 am to 8:00 am), please make sure you are in the drop-off lane to drop at the front door or park in a marked parking spot and walk your child in. After 8:00 am, you must park in a marked parking spot and bring your child into the building. Thanks for your help in keeping everyone safe!
BEEP Parents
BEEP classes will begin on September 1st. BEEP parents and students will meet their teachers the day their class begins.
Infosnap – Please complete as soon as possible!
Any family that has not completed the online registration for your child(ren) should complete the online registration (Infosnap). The online process replaced all the paperwork we have required in the past. It is important for us to have updated information on your child(ren). Please complete the registration as soon as possible. If you have questions about this, please call Deb Gelinas at 627-1776.
Smile Amazon
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your favorite charitable organization every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at AmazonSmile, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to your favorite charitable organization. Bedford PTG is one of the organizations. Please click this link to learn more about AmazonSmile aw/ch/about.
September 1 – 1st Day of School for BEEP
September 5 - Labor Day - No School
September 14 - Open House
September 21 - Picture Day
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