Friday, April 29, 2016

Principals' Notes - April 29th

Dear Memorial Families,
I hope you have had a wonderful vacation week. We are looking forward to having the children back with us. Thanks to all our families that participated in our first Top Secret Science Night before vacation.  


Guidance Messages
Words of the Month: Honesty and Patience
Week of May 2: Honesty
May 3: Phrase of the Day: “If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember what you said.”  One lie often leads to another, in order to cover up the first lie.  It is easier to tell the truth.  That way, others can believe and trust you.
May 6: Phrase of the Day: “Be honest with yourself.”  We can be honest with ourselves by taking responsibility when we make mistakes, and learning from them.

Important Notice re: Parking at Memorial
On Wednesday, April 27th, the town put a curb in the front of Memorial School. As of that day, we are no longer be able to park in the dirt area out front.
Based on our previous experience we know parking is a challenge. Because of that, we encourage you to have your child take the bus whenever possible. Please remember you can always park in the church parking lot.
Please know that we will do the best we can to make parent pick-up go smoothly.

Nurse Helpers Needed for Hearing Screening
During the week of May 9th, Nurse Rachel Higgins has requested some volunteers to help with the school wide hearing tests.  They will occur on Monday, May 9th, Tuesday, May 10th, and Wednesday, May 11th at 8:30 in the morning.  Please use this link to sign up!
As always, we appreciate your time!

Girls Inc Book Drive
Please consider bringing in new or gently used books to benefit Girls Inc in Manchester. Girls Inc is a great foundation that that supports girls in New Hampshire and gives them a positive environment to grow, learn, and become better people. This book drive will help support the IB C.A.S. (Creativity,  Action, and Service) Project of Paige Wallat, Anna Bogursky, and Lilly Heald from Bedford High School. The class that brings in the most books gets an ice cream party, so let’s get collecting and help Girl’s Inc!

Grandparent’s Day
On May 12th our school will be filled with joy as our children's grandparents and senior citizen friends come to visit.  A special time is planned that will include light refreshments and a choral performance by Memorial 3rd/4th grade chorus. Guests will also have a classroom visit and a tour of the school.
To register your guests, please complete this form and return to your child’s teacher by May 6th.
To register any guests to visit in the Afternoon Beep or Afternoon Kindergarten program, please complete this form by May 7th.
Please stay tuned for a sign up genius for volunteer and food donation on the day of the event.
Many Thanks,
Elise Johnson and Amy Ward
PTG Grandparents’ Day Coordinator

4th Grade Families: Band Information Night
The McKelvie Music Department will be visiting the elementary schools during the day on Wednesday, May 18th to perform and talk with the students about band and chorus.  On Thursday, May 19th there will be a Band Information Night for students and parents in the McKelvie Cafeteria from 6:00-7:30pm.  We will go over program expectations, renting instruments and how to sign up for band.

Destination Imagination - Shoes, Bags & Belt Drive until May 15th
Bedford DI are having a special drive through Ecosmith Recyclers.  From now until May 15th, you can donate all your old shoes, bags and belts (any condition) in the marked boxes in our school lobby.  This is a great way to get your spring cleaning under way, while helping raise funds for the Lurgio team heading to Global Finals in Knoxville, TN.  Remember, clothing, fabrics and stuffed animals can always be donated in the bin in the parking lot.  We appreciate your support.

Spanish Summer Camp
Students entering 2nd grade-8th grade will be exposed to Spanish in fun immersive language environment on July 11th-14th from 8:00am-11:30am at Bedford High School.  There will be different themes each day taught by highly trained and certified teachers with teenaged team leaders. Students will be in appropriate age and ability groupings.  No Spanish experience is required.  Email Laura Chenette at with questions or to register, spaces are limited. Please click here for more information.   
Parent Involvement Survey
If your child receives special education services, you are being asked to complete a survey about the district's efforts to involve parents in improving services and results for children. Paper surveys are in the mail complete with a pre-paid return envelope. If you prefer, you can go to and complete the survey online. Surveys must be completed by May 13th. Your opinions are very important, and we hope you share them.

4th to 5th Parent Night - IMPORTANT
All parents of 4th grade students are invited to attend a Parent Information Night on Wednesday, May 25th at McKelvie Intermediate School.  Click here for details.
BEEP 2016-2017 Enrollment - Spots still available!
Bedford Early Education Program  (BEEP) continues to accept registrations for the 2016-2017 School Year.  We still have space available in some of our 3 and 4 year old classrooms for 2, 3 or 4 days a week.  Please contact Roberta Keane, BEEP Coordinator at (603) 627-1776 x3216 or
Interest Survey
There has been some interest expressed for having a Parent/Child Dance (Both father /daughter and mother/son) at Memorial School.  We are asking parents to take this quick survey so we can gather information and determine the level of school interest in this type of event. Thank you for your time. Please click here for the survey.


Bedford Schools Water Supply
Concerns about the water supply have been in the news recently.  We want to make sure everyone on our community knows that none of the water supplying the Bedford Schools comes from the Merrimack Village Water District. Manchester Water Works supplies Peter Woodbury and Memorial. Pennichuck Water Works supplies McKelvie, Lurgio, Bedford High School, and Riddle Brook through a Manchester water source.  

Camp Invention
Does your child like to take things apart, and design, color and create? Are you interested in unlocking your child's potential this summer?  Camp Invention, EPIC (click for video) may be a great fit.  McKelvie Middle School will once again be hosting camp June 20 - 24 from 8 am - 3:30 PM. Camp Invention is the only nationally acclaimed summer enrichment day experience for children entering grades 1 - 6 led by NH certified teachers with a staff ratio of 1:8!!  Camp cost is $250, but register before 3/21/16 for a $25 discount.  Click here to register online, or here to view our paper flyer.  If you have any questions, please contact the director, Courtney Cheetham at

Opt in to Text Messages
If you have not signed up for text messages from the District's School Messenger system, you still can!  Just text "yes" to 68453.

2016-17 Calendar ​
​The Bedford School Board has approved the 2016-17 School Calendar.  It can be found here.​

Community Enrichment Program
The Community Enrichment Program of the Bedford School District offers evening adult enrichment courses to the Bedford Community. Our Spring Courses are now listed and we are offering Conversational Italian for Beginners as well as our popular Ceramics and Photography. Click here to view our course descriptions.
We are always looking for new instructors! If you have a skill or interest that you would like to share please contact the program’s Coordinator, Susan Sambrano by email :  or by phone: 603-714-4395.


May 12 - Grandparent’s Day
May 30 - Memorial Day (No School)


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