Friday, September 4, 2015

Principal's Note - September 4th

Dear Memorial Families,
Wow, what a hot week! What was really impressive is how hard the students worked even with their classrooms being very warm. We did do indoor recess on Thursday because of the intense heat and humidity.  I hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend.


Guidance Messages
Twice a week throughout the year, with the help of students and our counselor, Mrs. Pleat, we have morning announcements.  Morning announcements are intended to reinforce components of our guidance curriculum.  During the announcements, students learn about our “word of the month”.  Many times, a phrase for the day or week will be introduced, or a Peacemaker Challenge will be presented.  The words of the month, phrases, and challenges help students grow in positive ways.  Central to our guidance curriculum is the concept of peace.  Peace is defined as “taking care of ourselves, others and the earth”.  
By talking with your child at home about these character-building concepts, and by role modeling them yourself, you can help your child to internalize them and carry them throughout his/her life.  Thank you for supporting us in this endeavor!
In last week's announcements Mrs. Souza, Mrs. Pleat and I introduced the definition of peace, and challenged the children to invite new students to play.  This coming week, Mrs. Pleat will introduce the word for September, Respect.  She will discuss treating others the way we want to be treated, by being kind, helpful and inclusive.  Empathy will be encouraged through the idea of “putting ourselves in someone else's shoes”.  When we think about how we might feel in a given situation, it can help us decide which actions are okay and which we should refrain from doing.  

Open House - Thursday, September 17th
We are looking forward to seeing you at Open House on Thursday, September 17th.
For your planning, the times for Open House are:
BEEP 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM
(AM)K 6:15 PM - 6:45 PM
(PM)K & K Plus 6:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Grades 1 & 2 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Grades 3 & 4 7:20 PM - 7:50 PM

Volunteer Information:
If you are interested in volunteering in your child’s classroom or in other ways, please take a quick moment to fill out the form included in the Memorial Volunteer Packet that was sent home this week, and return it to school with your child no later than Friday, September 11.  Also in that packet, you will find a donation envelope.  Your donations to the Bedford PTG allow for a multitude of supplemental programs to be brought to your children at Memorial as well as throughout the district (such as Math Superstars, It’s A G.A.S., Anti-Bullying Programs, and more). Please consider supporting these programs with a donation of your choosing.  
For more information on specific volunteer opportunities available at Memorial and/or to learn more about our volunteer program, please join us for our annual:
Volunteer Welcome Coffee
Friday, September 18th, 9:00 am
Memorial School Library

Infosnap – Please complete as soon as possible!
Any family that has not completed the online registration for your child(ren) should do so as soon as possible. The online process replaced all the paperwork we have required in the past. It is important for us to have updated information on your child(ren). Please complete the registration as soon as possible. If you have questions about this, please call Deb Gelinas at 627-1776.

PTG Support Envelopes & Volunteer Forms
The Bedford Parent Teacher Group (PTG) sent your child home with Support Envelopes and Volunteer Forms this week.  If these did not make it to your kitchen counter, please check the backpacks!  Your financial support is appreciated and greatly needed in order to fund the various educational programs provided to the Bedford School District through the Bedford PTG. Simply complete the front side of the envelope and enclose your tax-deductible contribution.  
No contribution is too small nor is it too large!
The on-line (PayPal) system is not available this year.  Our goal is to streamline this process to an online program for next year.  Forms are also available on our website at
If you are interested in volunteering at school, please complete the volunteer form and send it back to school with your child.
Returning the support envelopes and volunteer forms by Friday, September 11th will be greatly appreciated.  Let’s all help to make the “P” significant in the Bedford PTG.
Thank you in advance for your support.  Any questions, please contact the Bedford PTG.

Greg Girard Lisa Nash


Smarter Balanced Assessment Results
Last spring, schools throughout New Hampshire (and in many other states around the country) administered a new test known as "Smarter Balanced."  The tests, in language arts and math, were taken by students in grades 3 through 8 and grade 11.  They are computer-based tests that replaced the annual NECAP assessment.  
We have recently learned that the public release of the assessment results will occur in November.  This is a later release date than originally announced.  The delay was caused, in part, by the need to hand score those few tests that were taken using paper and pencil.  The results will include both school and state-wide summaries and individual student level results.  We will send more information as it becomes available to us.

Getaway Gear
Getaway Gear is offering 10% off all spirit wear orders now through 9/4/15.  Click here to view the items that are available. The customer needs to use coupon code BTS2015 to get the 10% off.


September 7 - Labor Day - No School
September 10 - Picture Day
September 17 - Open House


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